Hard Drives Ryan2005
What it Does Stores info magnetically hard “platter” holds info
Cassette Tape vs. Hard Drive must fast forward or rewind to reach specific point can reach info magnetically
Performance Data is stored in files Most hold gigabytes most can deliver 5-40 bytes per second to CPU
Inside It Sealed aluminum box underneath board-connections for motor that spins platters platters hold info arm holds read/write heads
Tracks and Sectors track is a concentric circle on a platter sector is pie-shaped wedge on track
How it Stores Data Magnetically
Platters Hold info
Arms Hold read/write heads glide over platters and retrieve/change info
“Deleted” Info Hard drive like book: info stored on “pages” and “index” when info deleted, “index” erased of info, but is still on page
More about Deleted Data People can still get info off of computer after deleted unless wiping software is used and drive destroyed
Misc. Info Hard drives invented in 1950s lots of units of measurement for drive bit: unit of 0 or 1 byte: 8 bits gigabyte: 1,000,000,000 bytes yottabyte: bytes
About the Author I am Ryan Minster, and I enjoy playing with Rubik’s Cubes and card games, such as Spades and Poker.
Bibliography “Computer Hardware.” Apr How Stuff Works “How Hard Disks Work.” Brain, Marshall. 25 Apr “Skeletons on your hard drive.” News.com. 3 May 2005.