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Core Periphery
Industrial Revolution
Economic Activities
Define Me
Schools of Development
Core Periphery Rostow Industrial Revolution Economic Activities Define Me Schools of Development $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
A country that may be considered semi-periphery would be: A) United States B) Ukraine C) Nigeria D) China
Which of the following is not associated with core production processes? A) technology B) low-wage labor C) education D) research and development
low-wage labor
Countries in which tier of the world economy (region) have high birth and death rates and low life expectancy at birth? A) post-industrial B) core C) semi-periphery D) periphery
Daily Double!!
Young girls trafficked from the periphery to wealthier regions most often work as A) domestic workers/street vendors. B) industrial labor. C) agricultural labor. D) prostitutes.
domestic workers/ street vendors.
Core area agriculture is characterized by mechanization. high levels of farmer education. scientific agronomy. all of the above
all are correct
Which is not among the five stages of Rostow's development model? traditional take-off high-mass consumption collapse-decline
Rostow's model, developed in the early 1960s, was based upon the experience of financial economists. Latin American countries. China. Western modernization.
Western modernization.
The principal structuralist alternative to Rostow's model of economic development is known as the “takeoff” model. the liberal model. the modernization model. dependency theory.
dependency theory
Another name for Rostow's model of development is World Systems Theory Ladder of Development Core-Periphery More Developed vs. Less Developed
Ladder of Development
Rostow's stages of development model predicts that each country's economy will progress from high consumption to ecological sustainability. low output to high input. low per capita incomes to high per capita incomes and high consumption. high levels of pollution to efficient resource use.
low per capita incomes to high per capita incomes and high consumption.
The Industrial Revolution began in Germany in the 16th century. was initiated by Henry Ford. began in England in the late 18th century. reached its peak in the 1970s.
began in England in the late 18th century.
Which of the following are commonly associated with the Industrial revolution specialty goods cottage industries the printing press new forms of capital investment
new forms of capital investment
Deindustrialization has had a dramatic impact on which of the following regions? the Great lakes The Great Plains the lower Mississippi Valley the Cotton Belt
the Great lakes
The first power source of the Industrial Revolution was foot pedals and running water. steam engines. electricity. windmills.
foot pedals and running water.
In the early eighteenth century, British textiles were manufactured in India. in early rural factories. in large urban factories. in homes on hand looms.
in homes on hand looms.
Which of the four classifications of industry must locate where the resources are found? secondary tertiary primary quaternary
Service industries are commonly referred to as _____ industries. tertiary secondary quaternary quinary
People working in the ___________ sector of economic activity tend to have high levels of specialized knowledge or technical skills. quaternary tertiary secondary primary
President Obama would be considered a part of this economic activity: primary secondary tertiary quaternary quinary
In the video, China Blue, the bulk of the economic activities taking place would be considered primary secondary tertiary quaternary
The word “development” implies progress colonialism lowering of wages through mechanization. technology.
High levels of development can be determined by measurement of access to railways, roads, airline connections, telephones, radio and television, etc. These are collectively referred to as infrastructure dependency measures. formal economy. commodity connections.
Dependency ratio measures: family size percent of the population dependent on welfare the number of young plus the number of elderly per 100 workers average number of hours of work to feed a family of four
the number of young plus the number of elderly per 100 workers
The continuation of economic dependence even after political independence is referred to as precondition to take-off. modernization model. neocolonialism. independence movement.
Daily Double!!
El Salvador abandoned its currency, the Colon, in favor of the U. S El Salvador abandoned its currency, the Colon, in favor of the U.S. dollar. This process is referred to as re-structuration. re-colonization. international monetizing. dollarization.
The 1980's school of development emphasizing free-market approaches and participation in global trade dependency modernization sustainable development neoliberal counterrevolution
neoliberal counterrevolution
The latest thinking among development specialist believe that progress should not come at the expense of future generations. This represents what school of thought? dependency modernization sustainable development counterrevolution
sustainable development
What school of thought in development focused on progressive stages of economic growth? dependency modernization sustainable development neoliberal counterrevolution
Real world strategies for this school of thought include microcredit and appropriate technology. dependency modernization sustainable development neoliberal counterrevolution
sustainable development
A school of thought that explains low development levels as being a result of the LDCs economic dependency on the MDCs. It also stressed that development be measured in terms of human welfare indicators rather than economic indicators modernization dependency neoliberal counterrevolution sustainable development
Double Jeopardy!!
Location Theories
More terms
Last but not least
Terms Location Theories More Terms Transportation Asia Last but not least $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
A model of the economic development process over time and space that focuses on the evolving relationships between a rich, productive, innovative core region and a poor, dependent periphery sustainable development core-periphery modernization human welfare indicators
Mexico has established export processing zones with special tax, trade and regulatory arrangements for foreign firms. This phenomena is referred to as maquiladoras haciendas border cities. NAFTA zones.
_________ take advantage of geographic differences in wages, labor laws, environmental regulations, taxes and the distribution of natural resources by locating various aspects of their production in different countries. conglomerate corporations e-business transnationals service industries
Mexico's maquiladoras are examples of offshore financial centers. transnationals export-processing zones. ancillary activities.
export-processing zones.
The clustering of financial firms on Wall Street, in New York is an example of agglomeration. least cost theory. deindustrialization . ancillary industry.
Firms try to locate their production facilities to maximize spatial accessibility. maximize visibility and minimize transportation. maximize agglomeration. minimize costs and maximize profits.
minimize costs and maximize profits.
All of the following are factors of industrial location except: raw materials culture of a region labor infrastructure
culture of a region
Alfred Weber developed a model for the location of manufacturing establishments called: least cost theory location theory material theory zone of profitability theory
least cost theory
When Alfred Weber published his book Theory of the Location of Industries (1909), what did he select as the critical determinant of regional industrial location? availability of labor nearby markets costs of labor transportation costs
transportation costs
Hotelling's location analysis emphasized the role of locational interdependence. raw materials. labor. markets.
locational interdependence.
All of the following countries make up the four economic tigers except: South Korea Taiwan Hong Kong Japan
The increase in time and cost with distance is referred to as production costs. distribution costs. friction of distance. distance decay.
friction of distance.
Mass production of standardized goods using assembly line techniques is referred to as: Fordism manufacturing global production mass production
While traveling in Europe, a group of American students decided to have lunch at a McDonald's restaurant. They were amazed that the price of a Big Mac was the same in euros as it would have been in dollars in the United States. This is an example of what concept? exchange rate globalization purchasing power parity time-space compression
purchasing power parity
What might occur at a break bulk location? goods are shipped via air different goods are brought together to create another good large items are packaged for shipping items are transferred between different modes of transportation
items are transferred between different modes of transportation
The most efficient mode of transportation over long distances when available is: truck ship air train
Daily Double!!
The most efficient mode of transport for high value or perishable goods is: ship air truck train
New York City, like other large urban centers with great ports, is called a break of bulk location because plentiful labor is available to unload massive cargo ships. markets are readily available for shipped goods. large dock warehouses are available where goods can be stored until sold. transported cargo can be transferred from one kind of carrier to another.
transported cargo can be transferred from one kind of carrier to another.
Current amounts of goods and resources moving in the global system would be impossible without the invention of aircraft. container systems. bulk cargo ships. railroads.
container systems.
For most industrial goods, which method of transport is cheapest over short distances? truck railroad air ship
China has successfully integrated these into their industrial and economic environment: maquiladoras special economic zones world cities technopoles
special economic zones
The current economic boom on the Pacific Rim is based largely on: transportation advantages labor agglomeration market proximity
Japan's dominant industrial district is: Tokyo Kansai Kitakyushu Kanto Plain
Kanto Plain
Which region of the world is the fastest growing industrial region? Western Asia Europe East Asia Central America
East Asia
Daily Double!!
In which major world manufacturing country does industry not lie near sources of raw material? China Japan India South Korea
If a substantial number of enterprises all develop in, or move to, the same area the factor is called cluster focus agglomeration intensity
Modern ideas of development are related to the Industrial Revolution. the Agricultural Revolution. gross domestic product. religious views of equity.
the Industrial Revolution.
A development strategy whereby an LDC tries to develop its own industries instead of importing manufactured goods from the MDCs. structural change import substitution transition economies circular and cumulative causation
import substitution
Countries in the process of converting from a centrally planned to a capitalist economy human welfare indicators dependency transition economies economic indicators
transition economies
Change in the structure of an economy, from one dominated by agriculture to one dominated by industry and services dependency ratio human welfare indicators structural change technology transfer
structural change
Final Jeopardy Development
What is the main difference between Wallerstein's and Rostow's models? Final Jeopardy What is the main difference between Wallerstein's and Rostow's models?
Rostow is not sensitive to geographical differences