Chapter 9 2 The Sacraments Celebrations of the Paschal Mystery Read 9-2 pages 223 – 225 and answer the FOR REVIEW questions on page 225
Aim: What are the Sacraments? I. Jesus and the Church as Sacraments A.Jesus is the means by which God has communicated everything God is to us human is a concreate, tangible way B.Holy Spirit dwells in the Church today 1.We are the Body of Christ 2.WE ARE THE Temple of the Holy Spirit 3.WE are Jesus Christ “walking in the flesh” a) living the Works of Mercy
II. Seven Sacraments – three groupings A. Sacraments of Initiation 1.Baptism 2.Confirmation 3.Eucharist
B. Sacraments of Healing 1.Reconciliation / Penance /Confession 2.Anointing of the Sick C. Sacraments in Service of Communion 1.Holy Orders 2.Marriage