1 Corinthians 5-7 Immorality in the Body
Sexual immorality is a dominant theme of this section of 1 st Corinthians. (5:1, 9-11; 6:13, 18; 7:2) Sexual immorality was a problem in the body of Christ and with the bodies of Christians! (5:1, 12; 6:18) 2
It will cause the guilty to be lost! (5:5; 6:9-10) It will cause the innocent to become defiled! (5:6) It will make communion with the sacrifice of Christ impossible. (5:7-8) Isolation is imperative! Isolation is imperative! (5:2, 5, 7, 9-11) 3
Note the TWO COMMANDS in 6:12-20 Flee! Glorify! Preserve Purity in a Perverted Culture! Why “flee” and “glorify”? Your body will be resurrected (6:14) Your body is joined to Christ (6:15-17) Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (6:19) 4
God has provided marriage to allow for fulfillment and to help us overcome sexual temptation. We must be cautious about planning our lives to achieve material success while putting ourselves at risk spiritually! 5