The Marks of the Church Apostolic: Founded on the Apostles
The Four Marks of the Church One Holy Catholic Apostolic
Scripture: Peter and the Early Church About A.D. 29 Pentecost: The Birth of the Church
Scripture: Peter and the Early Church Where: upstairs room in Jerusalem When: About 29 A.D. Who: 12 apostles, Mary, and other men and women What: The Holy Spirit came into the room like a great wind and fire. The Holy Spirit molded those few people into a community of faith and hope, bound together in love.
Scripture: Peter and the Early Church They became God’s people- the Church. Church means a “community called together”. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church of Jesus.
Scripture: Peter and the Early Church These men and women were guided by the Holy Spirit and carried out the command of Jesus to “ go …. And make disciples of all the nations” Matthew 28:19
Scripture: Peter and the Early Church The Catholic Church is apostolic. Apostolic- founded by Jesus Christ on the Apostles.
Scripture: Peter and the Early Church The first followers were primarily Jews and did not understand that Jesus was the Savior of all people. Acts of the Apostles describes that Peter and the others came to understand that God invites all people to Salvation in Christ.
Scripture: Peter and the Early Church It was through the conversion of Cornelius that Peter comes to understand “ God shows no partially.” Acts 10:44-49
Scripture: Peter and the Early Church Peter was specially chosen by Jesus to lead the Church. The mission of the Apostles was to preach the Good News and to make disciples of all nations.
Scripture: Peter and the Early Church What important aspect of the early Church life helped the Church grow? (faithfulness to the teachings of Christ and the Apostles, communal prayer, sharing possessions, celebration of the Eucharist)
The Mass and the Trinity The Mass begins with the Sign of the Cross and ends with a Trinitarian blessing. The Gloria praised the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Nicene Creed is a profession of the faith in the Trinity. The Eucharistic Prayer praises and petitions the Three Persons of the Trinity.
Scripture: Peter and the Early Church The authority of Peter and the other Apostles to teach the Word of God has been passed on to the pope and bishops.
Magisterium The pope and the bishops Teaching office of the Church Guided by the Holy Spirit Authentically and accurately interpret the Word of God- Scripture and Traditions. p. 33
Trinitarian Reflecting the unity of the Blessed Trinity We live in unity as People of God, the Body of Christ, and the Temple of the Holy Spirit. p. 33
Apostolic Jesus founded the Church on the Apostles The Church is faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ passed on to her by the Apostles. p. 33
A Church Community is Born Agape- Greek word that defines a special type of Christian love. Used to describe a meal that commemorates the passing of a beloved friend. The celebration of the Eucharist is an agape celebration.
Activity List three things that the early Church did that showed they understood the message of Jesus and his apostles. As Christians today, how do we show that we understand and practice this message?