ENVIRONMENTAL UNDERSTANDINGS Air Pollution & Flooding in India & China ASIA ENVIRONMENTAL UNDERSTANDINGS Air Pollution & Flooding in India & China
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS SS7G10 – The student will discuss environmental issues across Southern and Eastern Asia. b. Describe the causes and effects of air pollution and flooding in India and China.
First five Air Pollution in India Agenda Message: Before-school tutoring is Tues. starting at 7:30a. CDA-IV is Thursday. Sixteen school-days to the start of the CRCT. Standard: Describe the causes and effects of air pollution in India & China. Essential Question: Monday, March 23rd : What are the physical and environmental effects of air pollution in India? Warm-up: Name three (3) leading causes of Water Pollution along China’s Yangtze River. Today We Will: Air Pollution in India
answers E. Q. Answer for Monday March 23rd : Physical effects are that many Indian people suffer from respiratory diseases. Environmental effects are a decrease in temperatures and amounts of rainfall. Warm-up Answer: 400 million people Chemical fertilizers Industrial wastes
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: After-school tutoring is TODAY from 4-5p. CDA-IV is Thursday. Fourteen school days until the CRCT. Standard: Describe the causes and effects of air pollution in India & China. Essential Question: Wednesday March 19th: Why is an International Currency Exchange important in trade between countries? Warm-up: How did China clean up it’s air pollution prior to the 2008 Olympics? Today We Will: Other People’s $. (India, China, & Japan)
answers E.Q. Answer for Wednesday March 19th: The currency exchange is important so that traders can accurately determine the price of their products in other countries. Warm-up Answer: Before the 2008 Olympics, the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau was established to work on the quality of the city’s air. Automobile traffic was greatly reduced and many factories were temporarily closed.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS AIR POLLUTION IN INDIA Air pollution is one of India’s most serious environmental problems. An enormous and growing population along with rapid growth of cities and development of industry have left many parts of India with some of the heaviest and most polluted air in the world.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS Indians living in several major cities have some of the highest rates of respiratory disease (diseases of the lungs, bronchial tubes, and trachea) in the world. In addition to industrial smoke, the growing number of automobiles and trucks in India contribute to the poor air quality.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS Some estimates say that automobile emissions (carbons and other chemicals that come from a car’s engine) are responsible for almost 70% of the air pollution problem in urban areas of India.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS Many people in India are poor. As a result, they do not want to do anything to slow down economic growth. For this reason, it has been difficult for the Indian government to enforce many of the laws on industry and transportation that might improve the country’s air.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS In rural areas, many families cook over open fires, using wood, animal dung, or coal as fuel. These fuel sources send carbon monoxide, soot, and many different chemicals into the air as well.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS This pollution can form brown clouds (haze of pollution) which reduce rainfall and temperatures.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS AIR POLLUTION IN CHINA When the Olympic Committee decided to have the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, one of the concerns among the athletes who were going to compete was the quality of the air in the Chinese capital. http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search ?Ntt=pollution+in+china
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS Beijing, like many other cities in China, has experienced tremendous growth in both population and industry during the past decades. Most of China’s energy is provided by burning coal, a process that sends tons of soot, ash and chemicals into the atmosphere.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS In addition, millions of Chinese people now drive automobiles and trucks, whose exhaust or emissions is another source of massive air pollution.
ENVIRONMENTAL UNDERSTANDINGS Air Pollution & Flooding in India & China ASIA ENVIRONMENTAL UNDERSTANDINGS Air Pollution & Flooding in India & China
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS SS7G10 – The student will discuss environmental issues across Southern and Eastern Asia. b. Describe the causes and effects of air pollution and flooding in India and China.
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message: After-school tutoring is Wed. from 4- 5p. CDA-IV is Thursday. Fifteen school days to the start of the CRCT. Standard: Describe the causes and effects of air pollution in India & China. Essential Question: Tuesday, March 25th: When the Olympic Committee decided to have the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing China what was one of the main concerns of the athletes? Warm-up: Name the leading causes of air pollution in India’s urban and rural areas. Today We Will: Air Pollution in China SWA Map CRCT Review
answers E.Q. Answer for Tuesday March 25th: The quality of the air in and around Beijing Warm-up Answer: Cities Car & truck emissions Industrial air pollution Rural areas Open fires burning wood, coal, & animal dung
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS According to the People’s Republic of China’s own statistics, the leading causes of death in China are respiratory and heart diseases that can be tied to long exposure to air pollution.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS Acid Rain Airborne pollution also contributes to acid rain, a problem for at least a third of China’s agricultural area. http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search ?Ntt=acid+rain+in+china
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS Acid rain occurs when chemicals in the air (especially sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that come from burning fossil fuels like coal) react with the moisture in the atmosphere and fall to the ground as rain containing sulfuric and nitric acid. Acid is harmful to plants, animals and even buildings.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS Before the 2008 Olympics, the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau was established to work on the quality of the city’s air. Automobile traffic was greatly reduced and many factories were temporarily closed. As a result, many major air pollutants were reduced by as much as 45%.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS Many of the people living in Beijing want the government to find ways to keep pollution down while still allowing economic progress.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS Leaders in the World Bank make the argument that the expenses of health problems tied to air pollution are far greater than any economic profits tied to those industrial activities that contribute to the pollution.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS The impact of environmental and health problems related to air and water pollution take many years to show up in the general population. Often governments begin clean-up efforts long after the health of a country’s population has begun to suffer.
ASIA Environmental UNDERSTANDINGS China and India have such enormous populations, almost half of the people on the planet, attention to health issues related to air and water pollution are of critical importance to all of us.