The Central Nervous System Chapter 12
Embryonic Development
Ventricles of the Brain
Cerebral Hemispheres
Cerebral Cortex
Cerebral cortex--Motor Primary motor cortex Coordinates & controls movement Premotor cortex Controls learned, repetitive movement Plans movement Broca’s area Language, speech Frontal eye field Voluntary eye movement
Cerebral Cortex--Sensory Primary somatosensory Interprets sensation from body Somatosensory association Integrate sensory input Visual (Primary, Association) Auditory (Primary, Association) Olfactory Gustatory Visceral Vestibular
Cerebral Cortex: Motor and Sensory Areas
Cerebral Cortex--Multimodal Anterior association area Complex learning, recall, personality, memory, abstract thinking Posterior association Pattern & facial recognition Awareness of local space Some language Limbic association Emotional impact “Danger”
Cerebral Cortex
White Matter of the Cerebrum Myelinated neurons Transmit signals to, through, and from the brain
White Matter of the Cerebrum
Basal Nuclei Important in movement: start, stop, intensity Inhibit unnecessary movements Parkinson’s disease
Thalamus Coordinate almost all inputs into brain Key role in sensation, motor activities, arousal, learning, memory Hypothalamus Autonomic control center Emotional response Body temperature Food intake Water balance & thirst Sleep-wake cycle Endocrine system
Ventral View of the Brain
Brain Stem
Limbic System
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Location and Circulation of CSF
Spinal Cord Anatomy
Ascending and Descending Tracts
CNS Physiology Brain Wave Patterns Consciousness Sleep and Sleep-Awake Cycles Memory
Brain Wave Patterns
Consciousness Alertness Drowsiness or lethargy Stupor Coma
Sleep and Sleep-Awake Cycles
Memory Storage and retrieval of information Two distinct stages of memory Short-term memory (STM) Long-term memory (LTM) Factors affecting transfer from STM to LTM
Memory Processing
Homeostatic Imbalances of the CNS Epileptic Seizure Fainting (syncope) Concussion Coma CVA Paralysis Cerebral palsy Amnesia Narcolepsy Insomnia Sleep apnea Meningitis Encephalitis Poliomyelitis Hydrocephalus Microencephaly Anencephaly Spina bifida Alzheimer’s Disease Parkinson’s Disease Huntington’s Disease
Spina Bifida