Community Specialist Parkinson’s Nurse Patient Consultation Michael Ellis Stakeholder Engagement Manager Inform the People’s Council on the key findings of a consultation of NNE Parkinson’s patients feedback of the Community Specialist Parkinson’s Nurse
Overview This presentation outlines feedback from 116 completed consultation questionnaires completed by patients and carers in May 2015 who would be entitled to receive care from the NNE Community Specialist Parkinson’s Nurse (CSPN). The CSPN is a new role resulting from a joint commissioning project between NNE and Parkinson’s UK with the service commencing on 4th August Key findings will be reported to the NNE Parkinson’s Steering Group and ensure they are implemented into any future service redesign.
Key Findings The CSPN had a positive impact increasing patient’s understanding of Parkinson’s, their medication and coping physically with the disease The CSPN involved the patients in the planning of their care and their decisions of self-management techniques The CSPN was easy to contact and responded in a reasonable time The CSPN reduced patient’s need to visit their GP or A&E
Key Findings cont... The CSPN provided extra information and advise to other services e.g. respite care and exercise classes More awareness of CSPN service – respondents unaware of service No improvement in terms of patient’s mental health with respect of coping with Parkinson’s ‘Parkinson’s Nurse was Carrie-Ann Ball and was very helpful and friendly it was good to know we can contact someone with my concerns regarding Parkinson’s.’
Outcomes and Close Collate patient and carer feedback following the appointment of the CSPN NNE looking to support two Parkinson’s Exercise Classes NNE to consider offering/promoting Talking Therapies Services (IAPT) to support patients mental health Any questions?