Indefinite Pronouns
What are indefinite pronouns, and how do they differ from personal pronouns? Indefinite pronouns do NOT refer to a specific person or thing. Examples: everyone, anybody, most, many Personal pronouns DO refer to a specific person or thing: Examples: he, she, we, it, they
Indefinite Vs. Personal Indefinite Pronouns Personal Pronouns Anybody, everybody, anyone, everyone, most, all, another, few, nobody, no one, each, none, several, someone, etc… He, she, we, it, they, them, us, you, him, her, etc…
Singular or Plural? Always singular (even though we often incorrectly use them as plural in conversation!)- everyone, everything, anybody, anything, someone, anyone, everybody Always plural- some, both, few, many, others, several
Some can swing both ways… All, any, more, most, none, some
How can I determine which way to use those indefinite pronouns that can swing either way? Check the prepositional phrase that immediately follows the indefinite pronoun. If the object is singular, the indefinite pronoun should be considered singular. Likewise if it is plural. Ex: Most of the students ate their lunches. indefinite pronoun object of the prepositional phrase is plural, so we need a plural personal pronoun for agreement.
More examples… Most of the speech was engaging. Singular or plural? Most of the students listened to the speech. Singular or plural? Some of the dinner was good. Singular or plural? Some of the dogs were friendly. Singular or plural?