Strategies for Taking Standardized Tests
Every parent wants to know what they can do for their child to encourage better success on the MAP test. Remember first of all, scores serve as a yardstick to help us continue to evaluate our curriculum and school programs. They are just one of the many tools we use to assess the skills and abilities of our students. The same goes for parents. Look at these scores as a growth chart for your child. We always want progress, but remember even a small step up is still an accomplishment.
Praise your child for things they do well, support their efforts (especially in areas that are more challenging.) Don’t put too much emphasis on test scores. By talking about what your child has done in class, you can usually get a feeling for what they understand and what they don’t. School is not just about the tests, we do so much more. Encourage your child to read. READ ANYTHING!! Test makers choose from a wide variety of formats when choosing reading material. Any practice is good practice!
Ensure that your child gets a good night’s sleep before the test and eats a nutritious breakfast the day of testing. Empty stomachs and tired minds can be very distracting. Limit your child’s TV time. Studies show that kids who watched fewer than three hours of TV a day scored higher on the national reading test than those who watched more.
Express a positive attitude about the test and confidence in your child’s ability to do well on it. It is amazing how much a little comment can alter your child’s perception about themselves and the test.
Please make sure your child is in attendance everyday during MAP testing. We understand doctors appointments are hard to come by, but please try to schedule these and other activities after testing is over. It is much easier and less stressful for the student to do it with the class, rather than being pulled out to do a make up and miss something that the class is doing.
Make sure all basic needs are met before testing (breakfast, sleep, etc.) Check with your child’s teacher to see if there is anything they need. We would like to provide a snack before testing each day. It is greatly appreciated when parents pitch in and donate items. We are always in need of #2 pencils. This way the students don’t have to search each day for their testing tools.
Go to bed on time. Solve family/friend problems before the testing date. Talk to your parents about any concerns that you might have about the test.
Start your day as you always do. Eat a good breakfast. Wear comfortable clothes. Think of what you will do when you get home from school. Make sure you have enough pencils and erasers. Think Positive and remember deep breathes!
READ THE DIRECTIONS!!!!!!!! Many times just by reading the directions, the test will be easier. Don’t spend too much time on any one question. Do your best and then move on. Answer the easiest questions first, but be sure to go back to those questions you had trouble on.
If you do not understand the directions, ask for help. all Read the question and all answer choices before marking anything. Many times one or more of the answers are just silly and don’t make any sense.
Do not change your answers unless you are very uncertain about your first answer choice. Your first thought is usually right. Answer every question. Make the most intelligent guess you can.
After you have read through the question once, go back and find answers you have some knowledge about and eliminate choices that you know are incorrect. If you can eliminate two wrong answers, your chance of choosing the right answer is greater.
Don't guess blindly, think about the best answer choice and make it!
If you finish early, check to make sure you have answered all questions.
key wordsphrases Find key words or phrases in the question that will help you choose the correct answer.
If the test requires you to read passages and then answer questions about what you read, read the questions first first. By doing this, you will know what you are looking for as you read. This also helps you go faster on the test.
clues When there are several questions about a reading passage or chart, look for clues in other questions that will help you with those items about which you are unsure. Remember you can always go back to the story to find an answer. Underline important information as you read. Look for DETAILS!! If they ask for two details, give them three. It never hurts to have an extra detail.
Line up place value correctly (thousands, hundreds, tens, ones) or the answer will be incorrect.
If your answer does not match one of the choices, reread the problem, recopy the numbers, and try solving it again. Proof is a wonderful thing! Many times you can check your problem and find the mistake.
If any time remains, spend it on those questions which you know nothing or almost nothing about. As you go back through, do not change all answers. Remember: Your first guess is usually right.
Don’t spend too much time rewriting or obsessing about neatness. Don’t worry if you run out of time. As long as you tried your best it will all be fine!
If your arm gets tired during testing it is probably due to the grip that you have on your pencil. Relax the grip and give those muscles a break. Do not do arm exercises during testing as this disturbs others.
it's okay not to know everything Remember it's okay not to know everything — unlike class tests, these tests will have some questions designed to challenge the limits of your knowledge at a grade level above your current grade.
Do your best Pace yourself Get a goodnight’s sleep Eat a good breakfast Good Luck!