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Select a hyperlink to go to the corresponding slides. Chapter Menu Introducing Chapter 12 Lesson 1:Lesson 1: Nonstandard Units Lesson 2:Lesson 2: Measure Inches Using Models Lesson 3:Lesson 3: Problem-Solving Strategy: Guess and Check Lesson 4:Lesson 4: Use an Inch Ruler Lesson 5:Lesson 5: Measure Centimeters Using Models Lesson 6:Lesson 6: Use a Centimeter Ruler Lesson 7:Lesson 7: Understanding Area Lesson 8:Lesson 8: Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy Chapter 12 Review
Introduction—Are You Ready 1
Introduction—Are You Ready 2
Introduction—Are You Ready 3
Introduction—Are You Ready 4
Lesson 1—Get Ready 1 I will select and use nonstandard units to describe length.
Lesson 1—Get Ready 2 nonstandard unit measure length
Lesson 1—Get Ready 3
Lesson 1—Teach You can measure the length of objects using non-standard units such as blocks, paper clips, or hands.measurelengthnon-standard units about 9 cubes How many cubes long is the pencil?
How many paper clips long is the pencil? Lesson 1—Teach Now measure the pencil using paper clips. about 5 clips
Lesson 1—Teach What are some other things in our classroom that we can measure with paper clips?
Lesson 1—Check What is the length of the crayon? Use connecting cubes to measure. about 5 cubes
Lesson 1—End
Lesson 2—Get Ready 1 I will use models to measure length in inches.
Lesson 2—Get Ready 2 inch
Lesson 2—Get Ready 3
Lesson 2—Teach What are some other objects that are close to an inch long?inch ticket toy car
Lesson 2—Teach How long is this glue bottle? Use an object that is about an inch long to measure. about 3 inches
Lesson 2—Check How long is this shoe? Use an object that is about an inch long to measure. about 4 inches
Lesson 2—End
Lesson 3—Get Ready 1 I will guess and check to solve a problem.
Lesson 3—Get Ready 2
Lesson 3—Teach
What do I know? Underline what you know.
Lesson 3—Teach What do I need to find? Circle the question.
Lesson 3—Teach How will I solve the problem? I will guess and check to solve.
Lesson 3—Teach Guess and check. Guess 1 trophy 1: 5 pattern blocks trophy 2: 7 pattern blocks Check: does not equal 14. This guess is incorrect.
Lesson 3—Teach Guess and check. Guess 2 trophy 1: 6 pattern blocks trophy 2: 8 pattern blocks Check: equals 14. This guess is correct. The longer trophy is 8 pattern blocks.
Lesson 3—Teach Look back. Is my answer reasonable? = 14
Lesson 3—Check Guess and check to solve. Lisa picked twice as many apples as Jenny. If they picked 18 apples in all, how many apples did Lisa pick? 12 apples
Lesson 3—End
Lesson 4—Get Ready 1 I will use an inch ruler to measure objects.
Lesson 4—Get Ready 2 estimate
Lesson 4—Get Ready 3
Lesson 4—Teach How many inches long is this ruler? 12 inches
Lesson 4—Teach Is a baseball bat longer or shorter than 12 inches? longer
Lesson 4—Teach About how long is a football— 3 inches or 12 inches? 12 inches
Lesson 4—Check Measure the pencil. Write the measurement to the nearest inch. about 9 inches
Lesson 4—Check Measure the crayon. Write the measurement to the nearest inch. about 4 inches
Lesson 4—End
Lesson 5—Get Ready 1 I will use models to measure objects in centimeters.
Lesson 5—Get Ready 2 centimeter
Lesson 5—Get Ready 3
Lesson 5—Teach What are some other objects that are close to a centimeter long?centimeter button width of paperclip
Lesson 5—Teach How long is this piece of chalk? Use an object that is about a centimeter long to measure. about 8 centimeters
Lesson 5—Teach How long is this crayon? Use an object that is about a centimeter long to measure. about 9 centimeters
Lesson 5—Check Feliz measured her shoe using a crayon. Her shoe is two crayons long. The crayon Feliz used was 7 centimeters long. How many centimeters long is her shoe? 14 centimeters
Lesson 5—End
Lesson 6—Get Ready 1 I will use a centimeter ruler to measure objects.
Lesson 6—Get Ready 2
Lesson 6—Teach How many centimeters long is this ruler? 30 centimeters
Lesson 6—Teach How many centimeters long is this eraser? about 16 centimeters
Lesson 6—Teach How many centimeters long is this granola bar? about 14 centimeters
Lesson 6—Check Measure the paper clip. Write the measurement to the nearest centimeter. about 5 centimeters
Lesson 6—Check Measure the pencil. Write the measurement to the nearest centimeter. about 23 centimeters
Lesson 6—End
Lesson 7—Get Ready 1 I will use square pattern blocks to find area.
Lesson 7—Get Ready 2 area
Lesson 7—Get Ready 3
Lesson 7—Teach How many orange squares does it take to cover the rectangle? 10 orange squares
Lesson 7—Teach The area of the rectangle is 10 square units.area
Lesson 7—Check What is the area of this shape? 10 square units
Lesson 7—Check What is the area of this shape? 6 square units
Lesson 7—End
Lesson 8—Get Ready 1 I will choose a strategy to solve a problem.
Lesson 8—Get Ready 2
Lesson 8—Teach What do I know? Underline what you know.
Lesson 8—Teach What do I need to find? Circle the question.
Lesson 8—Teach How will I solve the problem?
Lesson 8—Teach
One way is to make a table. pebbles inches Holly’s hand is about 5 inches long.
Lesson 8—Teach Look back. Is my answer reasonable? yes; = 20
Lesson 8—Check Choose a strategy. Solve. Joe had three quarters of an hour to finish his homework. How many minutes did Joe have to finish his homework? 45 minutes
Lesson 8—End
Chapter Review 1 The ____________ is how long or far away something is. The ____________ is the space inside a shape or figure. area length Complete the sentences. length area
Chapter Review 2 What is the length of this object to the nearest inch? 5 inches
Chapter Review 3 What is the length of this object to the nearest centimeter? 13 centimeters
Chapter Review 4 What is the area of this object in square units? 8 square units
Chapter Review—End
Chapter Resources Image Bank Math Tools Measure to the Nearest Inch Measure to the Nearest Centimeter
Vocab 1
Vocab 2
Vocab 3
Vocab 4
Vocab 5
Vocab 6
Vocab 7
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