Very glad to see ISO/TC 211 friends again! Warmly welcome all of you to China! Happy and Welcome
In recent years, we worked on transforming some ISO standards into Chinese national standards: ISO 19105:2000 IDT GB/T ISO 19115:2003 MOD GB/T ISO 19113:2002 IDT FDIS ISO 19114:2003 MOD FDIS ISO 19108:2002 IDT WD ISO 19110:2005 IDT Underworking …… Adopt or adapt ISO standards
Metadata Term in Chinese and Definition Different translations for the term METADATA into Chinese such as descriptive data (描述数据), explanative data (诠释数据), meta data (元数据), etc. Similar definition for METADATA as ISO/TC 211
Learn from CSDGM FGDC metadata standard, Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) to be introduced into China before ISO Discussed FGDC metadata standard with experts of FGDC at the USGS early 1990s Using CSDGM as a basis for working-out metadata standard in some industries in China
Research on Metadata Some topics for researching on metadata have been carried out, such as metadata definition, related terms, metadata contents, layers, collection, issue, retrieval, quality control, and so on. At the same time, metadata standardization is one of the key subjects.
Researching on the Metadata Standard for Geographic data Published a Book to collect the results from such researching work in 1999
Attend the development of the ISO Learn more things about metadata standard Attend discussions during the standard developed Bring forward comments for the standard Invite Mr. Danko visit China giving us lecture Hold training class for UML for better understanding the standard
Publish a Guide Book of International Standards for Geographic Information It includes a Part of drafts of ISO Standard Series
The Contents of the Guide Book
Working-out the National Standard Adapted from the ISO 19115:2003 GB/T ISO 19115:2003, MOD
Working-out the National Standard Adapted from the ISO 19115:2003 Main modified Add some terms and definitions Simplify some sections and entities Use National Standards replace International Ones Add a New Annex K ( informative ) …
ISO 19115:2003GB/T ISO 3166 GB/T 2659 ISO 4217:2001 GB/T ISO 639 GB/T 4880 ISO 8601 GB/T ISO 8859 GB/T ISO 8879 GB/T ISO/IEC GB ISO/IEC GB/T Using National Standards replace International Ones
Add a New Annex K ( informative ) Including 9 sections, 38 entities and 104 elements Extent some elements for image data Add two codelists: MD_ GeodeticDatumCode MD_ HeightDatumCode Add four instances In fact, it is a profile of the standard
Hold two training classes for Understanding the National Standard ~21 in Hangzhou, Zeijiang Province in Yantai, Shangdong Province People from different provinces and different industries attended the classes JIANG Jingtong, LIU Ruomei, ZHOU Xu and JIANG Yunpeng give lectures
in Hangzhou, Zeijiang Province
in Yantai, Shangdong Province
Develop software tools for Implementing the Standard The software tools for metadata input and issue have been developed. The software tools are published on several websites to let people download freely.
ICA Book: World Spatial Metadata Standards It is edited by Professor Moellering
Create Community Profiles from the National Standard GB/T 19710:2005 The Profile in the Ministry of Land and Resources The Profile in the Ministry of Water Resources The Profile for Sharing Data of Sustainable Development in China The Profile for PRE-GEF Partership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems …
Example of the Profile from GB/T 19710:2005 Metadata input system of the PRC-GEF Partership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems
Metadata input of the PRC-GEF Partership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems element by element
Metadata management and retrieval system of the PRC-GEF Partership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems
The metadata results of retrieval
Open one of the retrieved metadata results
What’s in future? More training classes for understanding the national metadata standard Develop software tools for input and issue metadata Establish more Community Profiles from the National Standard GB/T 19710:2005 Translate metadata which was collected by the standard based on FGDC CSDGM Transform more ISO standards such as ISO 、 ISO and so on
Many Thanks !