International Traffic Injury Panel World Bank Update Tony Bliss Lead Road Safety Specialist Transport and Urban Development Department Sustainable Development Network The World Bank International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics Washington DC, September 7 – 8, 2006
Overview of Bank Activities Partnership with WHO on the World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention. Launch of new sector strategy: Safe, Clean and Affordable Transport for Development. Shift from ‘1 st Generation’ to ‘2 nd Generation’ road safety projects. Establishment of Global Road Safety Facility.
1 st generation projects Small components of larger road infrastructure projects. Fragmented, single sector. Outcomes too small to be measured. Simple to prepare. One-off, with no follow-up.
2 nd generation projects Large stand-alone road safety projects. Integrated, multisectoral, targeting high cost-density corridors and areas. Outcomes large enough to be measured. Complex to prepare. First step in a longer process.
Facility goals To strengthen global, regional and country capacity to support sustainable reductions in road deaths and injuries in low and middle-income countries. To increase road safety investment in low and middle-income countries.
Facility goals (cont’d) To accelerate safety knowledge transfer to low and middle-income countries. To promote innovative infrastructure solutions to improve the safety of mixed traffic, mixed speed road environments in low and middle-income countries.
System Source: SUNflower: A comparative study of the development of road safety in Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands, SWOV 2002 Structure and culture Safety measures and programmes Social costs Safety performance indicators Number killed and injured
Road traffic injury statistics In partnership with the Harvard Initiative for Global Health, we plan to develop a standardized cross-national Knowledge Management Framework that links data from a variety of sources to provide comparable country estimates of road traffic injuries. This project aims to pool the resources of the Global Burden of Disease research community and associated data networks with those of the World Bank and the broader injury community.
Road traffic injury statistics (cont’d) Our start-up program of project activities will be conducted over a two-year period. To initiate the project we plan to host an extensive stakeholder consultation at the World Bank to identify sources of regional and topical expertise and to establish collaborative networks. We will repeat this consultation towards the end of the start-up program, to seek consensus on the way ahead.
Road traffic injury statistics (cont’d) We would welcome the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics as a partner in this initiative and will consult further with you once we have finalized the details of our Facility partnership with HIGH. It is our intention to seek donor funding support to strengthen and expand this initiative, and we see it as desirable that such support be extended to participating stakeholders.