COOPERATION AMONG EVALUATION UNITS IN MULTILATERAL IFIs Gregory K. Ingram Chair, Evaluation Cooperation Group Marrakech – February, 2004
2 Background Established in 1996 to strengthen cooperation among IFI Evaluators and to and to harmonize evaluation methodologies, the ECG includes as members: African Development Bank Asian Development Bank European Bank for Reconstruction and Development European Investment Bank Inter-American Development Bank Group International Monetary Fund World Bank Group And as Observers: Chairs of U.N. Evaluation Group and of OECD/DAC Evaluation Network
3 ECG’s mandate Strengthen the use of evaluation for greater development effectiveness and accountability Share and disseminate lessons learned Harmonize performance indicators, methods, and approaches Enhance evaluation professionalism of members and collaborate with evaluation units in bilateral and multilateral institutions Facilitate partner countries’ involvement in evaluations and promote in-country evaluation capacity development
4 Good Practice Standards to harmonize project evaluation Good Practice Standards agreed for evaluation of Private Sector Operations (2001) and Public Sector Operations (2002) Evaluation practices for private sector investment operations benchmarked on Good Practice Standards in 2002; updated in 2004 Good Practice Standards to be used to benchmark Public Sector Operations evaluation practice
5 Shared approaches to new topics Policy Based Lending: A paper underway summarizes existing evaluation practices among MDBs for policy based (including adjustment) lending Country Programs: Members are sharing approaches for evaluating country programs Evaluability: Developing criteria to design operations and policies so they can be evaluated in a results oriented framework
6 Governance and practice ECG members share information on their governance, oversight, independence, budgets, and work programs ( Independence has increased: Many ECG members now report directly to their Boards and have more independent budget processes ECG members promote self-evaluation as an input into their independent evaluations
7 Capacity building and training Participate in the International Program for Development Evaluation Training Provide MDB-to-MDB support to transfer evaluation skills and facilitate harmonization Collaborate in building evaluation capacity in Africa, with support from bilateral donors (Norway, Switzerland, The Netherlands, DFID) Support evaluation professionalism, such as through the International Development Evaluation Association
8 Joint evaluation activities Country programs: Peru, Lesotho, Rwanda Sectors: Ghana transport Thematic topics: the Comprehensive Development Framework, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers Emphasis has been on joint processes more than on joint products, and on reducing evaluation costs to client countries.
9 Work program priorities Country program and country assistance evaluation methodology Policy based lending evaluation methodology Evaluation capacity development Promoting clarification of and synergy between independent evaluation and self evaluation Evaluability assessments of operations and policies
10 Going forward Harmonizing evaluation is greatly facilitated by harmonization of upstream operations Recent evaluations, such as that of the CDF, find much scope for harmonization in operations Joint aid ventures—sector wide approaches and budget support—virtually require joint evaluation New frontiers in development evaluation are global programs and the aid system itself.