Introduction to TuneUp Utilities 2011 Intellectual Properties Rights
What is TuneUp Utilities? What is in TuneUp Utilities 2011?
TuneUp Utilities is a Windows optimization package. This software helps normal users and experts alike to better adapt Windows to their needs and tastes. It can also be used to optimize or clean up the system with a single mouse click.
Software like TuneUp is called System Utilities Software. What are they capable of include: Boost PC Speed Prevent Crashes Windows Customization
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TuneUp Utilities consists of a number of useful modules that can be accessed through a common graphical Start Center.
Start Center categories modules
Customize and Analyze To delve deeply into Windows; to adapt the system to your needs and wishes - To change the appearance of the interface - To manage the start-up programs - To display information on the hardware and software (diagnostic module 诊断模块 )
Clean up and Repair Unneeded files; system errors; - To clean up the Windows registry & correct errors - To delete unneeded files to free up space
Optimize and Improve - To analyze the configuration of your computer o repair and defragment the Windows registry o optimize memory usage (in the background)
Administer and Control - To edit the registry o monitor running processes o safely remove unneeded applications
File Recovery & Destruction - To delete sensitive information (cannot be recovered) o recover files (that have been deleted from the Recycle Bin)
Customize and Analyze - T- T- T- To change the icons for the elements on the desktop, in the Start menu, the explorer, the Control Panel and for different file types - T- T- T- To change the appearance of the logon screen - T- T- T- To install new visual styles TuneUp Styler
Customize and Analyze - T- T- T- The most extensive module - t- t- t- to specify how your Windows system should look and work. TuneUp System Control
Customize and Analyze - T- T- T- To let you put a stop to all of the irritating programs that load themselves automatically. TuneUp StartUp Manager
Customize and Analyze - T- T- T- To provide a clear overview of the hardware & software; graphic card; main board; RAM TuneUp System Information
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What does intellectual property consist? The products of human mind, tangible or intangible, such as: An invention A formula or a method of doing business A song or a book A software program
Three methods of protecting IPR Patents Trade secrets Copyrights
Intellectual Property Copyright Copyright law Copyright holder Software piracy Network piracy Plagiarism protectedby… protected by… violating copyright laws
Copyright law protects: Books, articles, pamphlets, music, art, drawings, movies, computer software
Copyright law: automatic duration To register your idea with the government
Public domain software Freeware Shareware Proprietary software Be legally copied…
Information technology Legislators Lawyers Ethical questions
Piracy: Theft or unauthorized distribution or use
Summary Introduction to TuneUp Utilities 2011 Intellectual Properties Rights
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