Case 4: How can you negotiate religious differences? A Colbert Christmas: Jon Stewart
Case 4 examines the interplay between gender and Judaism.
Over 97 percent of married couples in the United States are of the same race. It is important to note, however, that these percentages take into account only interracial marriages and couples living together. The number of intercultural, or cross- cultural, marriages may be much higher.
In addition to the growing number of cross- cultural marriages, American attitudes about these relationships are changing. A 2001 survey conducted by the Washington Post, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, and Harvard University found that 86% of Black respondents said their families would welcome a White, Asian, or Hispanic person to their family.
Among Whites, 66% would accept Hispanics or Asians, but only 55% would accept a Black person. Among Hispanics, 86%would accept Whites, 79%would accept Asians, and 74% would accept Blacks. Among Asians, 77% would accept Whites, 71% would accept Hispanics, and 66% would accept Blacks.
Although the percentage of cross-cultural marriages is growing, and the attitudes about such relationships are improving, cross-cultural (i.e., racial or ethnic) relationships are susceptible to pressures and strains not experienced in same-race or same-ethnicity marriages or relationships.
For example, results from the same survey reported above indicate that 65% of White–Black couples said they experienced problems within their families at the start of their relationship, and 24% of White– Asian or White–Hispanic couples reported problems
What does it mean to be Jewish and American in a Christian-dominated society?
Which subtle stereotypes of Jewish Americans have you heard personally or seen in the media?
Have you dated a person from other racial, ethnic, or religious culture? If the answer is yes, did you face any situation similar to the one experienced by Sara. If the answer is no, why not?
Do you believe most women cannot fully identify with a purely male God? Do you support efforts to make translations of religious books more inclusive of women and men?
Are there challenges with being female and belonging to your own religion?
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