1 Requirements Engineering for the Adviser Portal Bank System – a BPM Case in Coloured Petri Nets Jens Bæk Jørgensen Department of Computer Science University of Aarhus Business Process Management – modeller og pervasive communication IT University, Copenhagen, December
2 The Adviser Portal (AP) zScope y15 Danish banks y15 software developers in three years zMain goals yIncreased efficiency yIncreased quality zAP provides a task list and must support yConcurrent tasks ySuspension and resumption of tasks yTransfer of tasks zAP must be aligned well with bank work processes
3 Requirements engineering approach: Executable Use Cases (EUCs) - Resembles usual prototyping - Used to spur communication An EUC described a work process that must be supported by a new computer system - Example of work process: blanc loan advise - EUC created by Bankdata analysts, users, and us
4 Blanc loan advise EUC: informal tier z”The customer comes into the banks and says to his adviser that he wants to take a trip to Paris …” zMain advantage: Easily understandable zDrawback: Not executable
5 Blanc loan advise EUC: formal tier zA Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) model; resembles a token game zMain advantage: Executable zDrawback: Not easily understandable
6 Blanc loan advise EUC: animation tier zConsistent with the formal tier: Shows the CPN model’s states and state transitions, but in another ”language” zCombines the main advantages of the informal tier and the formal tier yExecutable yUnderstandable
7 The blanc loan advise EUC has contributed to … zIncreased precision and detail yPrecise designations / dictionary yPrecise workflow descriptions yDetailed workflow descriptions zFacilitated cooperation between users and analysts yKeeping users focused yInvolve the users at the appropriate time
8 Conclusions and outlook zMain conclusion on project yBankdata analysts would like to continue using EUCs zOngoing and future work yArguing the business case / cost-effectiveness for Bankdata management yFrom EUCs to implementations (CPNs -> BPEL4WS)
9 References zJ.B. Jørgensen, K.B. Lassen, Requirements Engineering for the Adviser Portal Bank System, 13th Annual IEEE International Conf. on Engineering Computer Based Systems, Potsdam, Germany, 2006, IEEE CS zW.M.P. van der Aalst, J.B. Jørgensen, K.B. Lassen, Let's Go All the Way: From Requirements via Colored Workflow Nets to a BPEL Implementation of a New Bank System, Cooperative Information Systems Conf. 05, Cyprus, 2005, Springer LNCS 3760