LABOR UNITES AND FIGHTS “You have nothing to lose but your chains”
Labor Union Research Research the following three labor unions: The Knights of Labor The American Federation of Labor The I.W.W (Wobblies) Answer the following questions for each group 1. When was the group founded? 2. What groups of people were allowed to be in the union? 3. What types of workers comprised the union? 4. Identify an incident when the union was opposed by management or the government.
Big Idea Laborers form unions to better their working conditions and pay. Despite some success, they eventually lose ground against government supported business interests.
Long Hours and Danger Most factory workers worked 12 or more hours a day Some demanded 7 day work week Injuries and deaths were commonplace
Women and Children Between 1890 and 1910, the number of women working doubled from 4-8 million Children as young as 5 had full time jobs 1899: Women earned $269 a year on average Men earned $498 a year on average
Labor Unions Emerge National Labor Union: persuaded Congress for an 8 hour work day for government workers The Knights of Labor: open to all laborers regardless of race, gender, or degree of skill
Union Movements Diverge Samuel Gompers: Formed the National Federation of Labor, which consisted of all skilled workers from many industries Collective bargaining: Whole groups or organizations would negotiate contracts
Methods Collective bargaining: Whole groups or organizations would negotiate contracts Used strikes as a negotiation tactic Successes: Wages increased and work hours fell between 1890 and 1915
Eugene Debs
Attempted to unionize unskilled laborers in the American Railway Union Became a proponent of socialism Socialism: economic and political system that features government control of business and property and the equal distribution of wealth.
Fear of Radicalism Americans divided over support for labor unions NOT RADICALISM OR ANARCHISM Public largely opposed to groups like the IWW and violent labor strikes
The Strike….! In Images Great Railroad Strike of 1877 Haymarket Affair Homestead Strike Pullman Strike Groups are only doing ONE. Using IPADS, find 4 images (Pictures, maps, graphics, art) of one of the strikes. Describe what is being depicted in each image and set up a way to showcase your images and captions***