A guide to being an effective Action Area Contact! National Action Area Contact’s Conference Adelaide 14, 15 & 16 June 2009 Dare to Lead is a Project of Principals Australia Funded by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
WHYSCHOOL LEADERS? Geoffrey Robinson was recently asked a Hypothetical. If you were offered a safe seat in the Rudd Government and given the Aboriginal Affairs portfolio, what would you do first? “Its now or never-never, so my policy would be education, education, education – including educating everyone else about the respect due to the first Australians………..” THERE IS AN EXPECTATION FOR US TO MAKE THE DIFFERENCE
What is Dare to Lead? Principals Australia Projects (formerly APAPDC) National project with over 5000 member schools (NSW 1800 Catholic, Independent and DET schools – 58%) DTL is a network to support school leaders to work with current programs and initiate new programs, which will result in improved outcomes of our Aboriginal students Action Areas (NSW 36) - DET Districts Action Area Contacts (93 in NSW and 210 school leaders Australia wide) Action Area Contacts network and responsibility State & Territory Coordinators – NSW context National Schools Coordinator and National Project Officer
Why should Indigenous Education be a priority? The Facts! Current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population is 500,000 57% of the population is under the age of 22 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander student population is currently 140,000 41,000 in NSW with 35,000 in public sector schools 71% of all schools have at least 1 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student By 2020 the Western Australian Government estimates that their Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander student population will be doubled!!!!
More facts about Aboriginal people! Year 3 literacy – on average 30 months delayed Year 8 literacy/writing – on average 2 years delayed Aboriginal men are 11 times more likely to be incarcerated Aboriginal women are 15 times more likely to be incarcerated Primary aged boys are 5 times more likely to be suspended Aboriginal people are 7 times more likely to be unemployed Only 1 in 7 Aboriginal children attend pre-school 28% of Aboriginal students starting Year 7 finish Year 12 compared to 70% of non-Aboriginal students Aboriginal student enrolments in Sydney Catholic schools have increased by 18% to 519 since 2008 ( )
Dare to Lead schools commit to: Improving the educational outcomes of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students Ensuring that all their students develop an informed understanding of Australia's Indigenous people and their cultures The reconciliation process
A Whole School Approach Aboriginal Education is the responsibility of everyone in the school community. Every school has a different context, different issues and different pathways to success. Leadership and Community are the signposts to success. What does your jig saw puzzle look like?
Community Involvement Cultural Awareness Numeracy Literacy Pathways Classroom ClassroomEngagement Attendance Effective Indigenous programs: Walking with Community Engaging students Transition
What is needed to improve the educational outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in our schools?
Community Partnership Culture Respect Leadership Shared Classroom Agency ImprovedLearningOutcomes Health and Wellbeing StrategicPlanning Curriculum PathwaysTransitionsE.C.
Improving Educational Outcomes for Aboriginal Students Schools need to ensure that: Positive relationships between Aboriginal students, teachers and community are nurtured and developed A genuine consultation process exists Quality teaching is occurring in classrooms Aboriginal culture and outstanding student achievement are celebrated in the school Other agencies are engaged in school initiatives Aboriginal people are employed where possible Education is a shared responsibility
Action Area Contact Role Communication Contact various jurisdictions e.g. DET, Catholic and Independents Contact Regional Principal’s Associations your Action Area schools to introduce yourself to the Principal and Aboriginal Education Workers e.g. AEO Contact your Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) or similar organistation and Elders Group Access the Dare to Lead Website and become familiar with it Contact the Principals Australia State Branch Representatives
Action Area Contacts Role Actions Promote DTL at Principal’s Conferences Circulate the School Review Checklist – strategic planning Collate list of best practice Aboriginal Education programs in your Action Area Organise Principal visits to schools with best practice programs Remind schools about the annual data collection process Promote DTL cultural tours/experiences Is there a database/register of Aboriginal community members in your Action Area? Advertise DTL events e.g. InPrincipal, School Education Area newsletters, Catholic Education newsletters Succession planning for Action Area Contact position
This is what you can do! Determine priorities for AA schools Contact state coordinator/s Negotiate how DTL can be involved Organise event agenda, date, venue and catering Advertise event e.g. principal’s meetings, newsletters, s Keep in contact with schools re event
Some things Dare to Lead can do for member school Meeting Presentations Personalised Learning Plans Transition to School Aboriginal Perspectives Across the Curriculum Resources Viewing of Kanyini (Kanyini DVD Short Version.mpg)Kanyini DVD Short Version.mpg Bringing them Home
Dare to Lead Resources School Leadership and planning School Review Checklist L5 School Leadership Frame Collegial School Snapshots
Dare to Lead Resources Building Relationships Same Kids, Same Goals Personalised Learning Plans (PLPs) School & Community Partnerships
Dare to Lead Publications Focus on accelerated literacy Excellence Awards Literacy – Good practice The difference we are making with our Aboriginal students!
Dare to Lead Resources Chris Harvey National Remotes Coordinator and South Australia State Coordinator