Horizons 2015
O Lord our God, look with favor upon your pilgrim people in the Diocese of Maryland. Help our lay ministers, deacons, priests, and bishops lead lives worthy of the calling to which we have been called, with all humility, gentleness, and patience. May out life together be infused by the grace of truth and the spirit of reconciliation; in times of celebration may we freely rejoice, and in times of distress may we listen to and forgive one another in love, always eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Open our hearts to receive the Living Christ in our midst; may we never tire to seek him in prayer and action, and in works of mercy and justice throughout the world. This we pray in the name of Jesus our Savior. AMEN
Horizons 2015 We affirm that our diocesan priorities are…
P roclamation By 2015, in response to the call to proclaim the Good News and make disciples of all nations, the diocese will grow its average worship attendance by 10 percent.
E vangelism By 2015, the diocese will have equipped every member of the diocese to express his or her faith story by words and actions. P roclamation
A ction By 2015, the diocese will be an agent for transformational change in the State of Maryland and local communities and be recognized as such. P roclamation E vangelism
C hristian Formation By 2015, every congregation will have 40 percent of worship attendees of all ages participating in a Christian formation program. P roclamation E vangelism A ction
E ducation By 2015, provide every region in the diocese training and strategies for advocating for the poor in education. P roclamation E vangelism A ction C hristian Formation
P roclamation E vangelism A ction C hristian Formation E ducation
Build in benchmarks and accountability to measure progress towards the task. Include youth and young adults as integral parts of the decision-making process at all levels surrounding the tasks. Develop methods of communication using available technology to link local members to diocesan tasks. Raise up and train leaders to direct the tasks. Develop funding sources and budgets to support the tasks. Use existing diocesan resources (e.g., Claggett Center, Cathedral, Diocesan Center) to support task development. Be mindful of diversity at all levels, including ethnicity, geography, etc… In our efforts to fulfill the mission and ministry articulated in these priorities, we will…
Horizons 2015 Timeline May 2009 – Convention address on Horizons October 2009 – Mission Strategy hosts large Horizons gathering for lay representatives from each parish Late Fall 2009 – Regional meetings February 2010 – Second large Horizons gathering Five “big rocks” determined and passed on to Mission Strategy and Diocesan Council for final editing May 2010 – Five Horizons 2015 initiatives and norms presented to Diocesan Convention
Horizons 2015 Timeline Fall 2010 – Town Hall meetings; Council recruits co- chairs and members. Jan 22, 2011 – First task force meeting Agenda: community building, norm setting, logistics planning, reading and research assignments. Mar 5, 2011 – Task force meeting Agenda: Discuss readings and personal discernment, brainstorm obstacles and resources, discuss and plan for workshop(s) at convention. Apr 30, 2011 – Task force meeting Agenda: Discuss findings and personal discernment, imagine real-life scenarios, finalize workshop(s) plans.
Horizons 2015 Timeline May 12-14, 2011 – Diocesan Convention Agenda: Report on work of task forces, facilitate workshops on Saturday. Oct 8, 2011 – Task force meeting Agenda: Brainstorm and define objectives for goal, prioritize. Jan 2012 – Task force meeting Agenda: Discuss and discern goal and objectives implementation on diocesan and local level. What are the opportunities and obstacles? Spring 2012 – Task force meeting Agenda: Finalize objectives to present to convention and publicize. Produce curricular and support resources for implementation beginning in the fall of 2012.
Horizons 2015 Task Force Structure 2 Co-chairs: one lay and one ordained 2-3 Diocesan Council liaisons 1 Diocesan Staff consultant 9 Regional members Saturday meetings in rotating locations; From approximately 9:30 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Initial time commitment is for one year and will be renewable.
Christ Jesus, you go before and behind us, you are our light and our shield; guide our path, be our clear sight, lift us up in your Gospel joy, and bless the work we do as we journey toward a new horizon in your name and honor, for you are our beloved, and our life made new. AMEN Concluding Prayer
Horizons 2015 The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland 4 E. University Parkway, Baltimore, MD ♦ Minds to Think ♦ Hearts to Love ♦ Hands to Serve For more information on how to help, go to the “Horizons 2015” link on the diocesan webpage