© GEO Secretariat GEO Work Plan 2nd GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop "GEOSS: Supporting Science for the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond" Bonn, August 2012 Douglas Cripe, GEO Secretariat
Cape Town SummitBeijing Summit Summit WP 2006 WP WP WP GEO Work Plan – Past, Present & Future
GEO Work Plan – How ? Followed guidelines from GEO-VII Plenary & Beijing Ministerial Summit Included comments/proposals made by GEO community over Dec Aug 2011 Drew from 2011 Work Plan Symposium recommendations (4-6 May, Geneva)
Fully Address Strategic Targets Area by Area End of GEOSS Implementation Plan GEO Work Plan
Target-Driven Approach Work Plan based on activity-driven approach → existing activities re-organized into Overarching Tasks Work Plan based on Target-driven approach → Tasks correspond to outcomes identified as necessary to meet Strategic Targets
Strategic Target-driven Work Plan The Work Plan designed to meet objectives described in “demonstrated by” bullet points of the Strategic Targets document Tasks are based on the inputs of the GEO community and build directly on ongoing sub-tasks as well as on new proposals
Water Before 2015, GEO aims to: 13. Produce comprehensive sets of data and information products to support decision-making for efficient management of the world's water resources, based on coordinated, sustained observations of the water cycle on multiple scales.
Water This will be demonstrated by: An operationalized and sustained global network of in-situ observation sites. Increased availability of information products and services for monitoring changes in the water cycle, including clouds and precipitation, appropriate for both research and integrated water resource management. Increased availability of data and information, including quantity and quality of both surface and groundwater, to support a water cycle decision making system. Routine, reliable production of “watershed” and human health indicators from satellite data, surface and subsurface data, and data assimilation capabilities.
3-Part Structure & 26 Tasks 1.INFRASTRUCTURE (Architecture and Data Management) 2.INSTITUTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT (Data Sharing, Capacity Building, Science and Technology, User Engagement) 3.INFORMATION FOR SOCIETAL BENEFITS (9 GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas)
© GEO Secretariat Task Details ? In Component Sheets Available online through Work Plan Information Management System Include details such as expected achievements by 2015, milestones, issues and gaps, gap analysis activities, key users, and information relevant to decision-making
© GEO Secretariat 1. Monitor progress towards achieving 2015 GEOSS Strategic Targets Annually assess Strategic Targets completion progress Provide review of Task performance vs Targets Identify issues, gaps, and Target objectives that require additional support from GEO community Conduct actions for addressing issues and gaps Implementation Boards – Objectives (ToRs)
© GEO Secretariat earthobservations.org Thank you!
© GEO Secretariat Boards – Objectives (ToRs) 2.Actively coordinate activities across Tasks within a specific part of the Work Plan (e.g. Infrastructure), while also establishing cross- cutting links to the other parts 3.Advise on Task implementation Provide guidance on issues of technical and non- technical nature (e.g. resources; delivery on commitments of Members and Participating Organizations)