Locust Grove Elementary Title 1 Parent Meeting Ensuring Success for Each Student! August 27, 2013
Locust Grove Elementary Annual Title I Parent Information Night Agenda August 27, :00-7:30pm L.G.E. Cafeteria Christi Peterman, Principal and Kimberly Lunn, Parent Liaison We are glad to WELCOME you to our school’s Annual Title I Parent Information Night. There are snacks and refreshments available in the cafeteria, please help yourself. Childcare, if needed, is available in room _____. Please get your child signed in before the meeting begins. This evening we will be reviewing and discussing our Title I program. We encourage you to ask questions and provide input throughout the presentation. We want to make sure you leave the meeting informed about the Title I program, as well as the opportunities the school provides to get involved. What does it means to be a Title I School, including School-wide Plan and Goals. What is L.G.E.’s School Improvement Status?(handout) Discuss/Review L.G.E.’s Title I Parental Involvement Plan and Family/School Compact? (handout) What are Highly-Qualified teachers and paraprofessionals and what does this mean for LGE? What is the Parent Right to Know letter? (handout). How do we spend LGE Title I funds and what do you suggest is the most important resource for your children? What types of Parent Involvement Opportunities are available? What are our parental involvement resources? What did you tell us you wanted in our Spring Title I Parent Survey? Closing and Evaluations Communication to Parents and Caregivers. LGE will continue to make use of the Infinite Campus Robo Calling System. Parents will receive a weekly update regarding activities and involvement opportunities at our school. Ms. Lunn, along with LGE staff members will also be sending out text message reminders via Remind 101. Additionally, LGE posts information on our school Sign, Website, and Upcoming Events board outside the front office, as well as the school newsletter and parent information board. We hope you will take a minute and stop by the Parent Resource Room (#1) for a tour!T hanks for joining us tonight. Glossary of Acronyms LEA-Local Education AgencyESEA – Elementary and Secondary Education Act CLIP-Comprehensive LEA Improvement PlanCCRPI – College and Career Readiness Performance Index GPS – Georgia Performance StandardsEIP - Early Intervention Program
What does it mean to be a Title 1 School? The federal government has put the Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) in place in an effort to level the playing field in order for all students to be successful. Schools qualify as Title I based on the number of free & reduced lunches served. LGE’s free & Reduced lunch percentage was 61.79%
Benefits of Being a Title I School Additional Federal Funding Additional Classroom Resources as Outlined in Our School Improvement Plan Instructional Lead Teachers (2) –Math (Ms. Hall) –Literacy (Ms. Rainer) Parent Liaison - Ms. Kim Technology Appropriations Parental Involvement Workshops
What is L.G.E.’s School Improvement Status? Locust Grove Elementary, has not been categorized as a Priority, Focus or Reward school in Pleae review the Schools Status Handout for more specific definitions of the new school status categories, Priority, Focus, and Reward Schools, used by the Georgia Department of Education.
What is Locust Grove Elementary‘s Parent Involvement Plan and School Compact?
Parental Involvement Plan Draft Copies are available tonight. Reviewed and revised a new Draft on June 4, 2013 with the Wildcat Support Team (Council).
What is the Title I Parent Involvement Plan? Curriculum Events Family Resource Center Support Programs for Students S.I.E.P. and Saturday School Family Fun Nights PTO Events Communication: newsletters, agendas, students handbook, conferences, website, marquee, , homework folders, special announcements and memos, Campus Messenger, etc.
Parental Involvement Resources LGE Family Resource Center Parenting classes and workshops School Social Worker – Faith White Media Center County workshops Family Resource Center at HC Education Center in Stockbridge Parent Involvement Liaison – Kimberly Lunn Instructional Lead Teacher – Mollie Hall
What is the School Parent Compact for Student Success ? An agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade-level standards. The Compact is a living document that can and will be modified specifically to each child throughout the year.
Highly Qualified Teachers, Paraprofessionals & Administrators All of the Teachers and Parapros at LGE are HiQ! In compliance with the requirements of the No Child Left Behind, parents may request information about the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher(s) including certification held by the teacher, college major/graduate certification of degree held by the teacher; qualifications of the paraprofessional (if paraprofessional services are provided). Requests must be in writing and mailed or delivered directly to the school. We are very proud of the faculty and staff at LGE!
How are Title I Funds Utilized? LGE’s Title I funds are used to supply: Math & Literacy Coaches (2) Parent Liaison (1) Provide resources and technology as funding allows. Funding has been drastically reduced since 2010 –
LGE Parent Survey Results Spring 2013 Response was not as big as expected Workshops requests on: –Academics –Technology – Basic Computer -Parenting Strategies -Nutrition and Fitness –Be looking for information on these workshops throughout the year.
Parent Engagement Budget 1% of our Title I Budget is set aside for Parent Engagement. Expenditures typically include: –Parent Resource Room Supplies –Resources that support academics – flash cards, games, workbooks, etc. –Food for Workshops (cookies, chips, water, muffins, soda) –Guest Speakers or Programs – *Any other ideas or suggestions?
How can parents be involved in the learning community of LGE? Attend Parent Workshops and Family Events. Complete surveys and attend Title I meetings. Attend PAWS conferences. Join the PTO. Be a part of Wildcat Support Team (Council). Be a part of the Mentor Team. Volunteer in classrooms or office.
Communication is the Key! Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences Newsletters Campus Messenger Remind101 Tuesday Folders Website Marquee Flyers Posters Bulletin Board Meetings
LGE Data Report from Benchmarking (K-2) Spring 2013 Kindergarten 93% on grade level in reading Kindergarten 65% at or above level 3 in math First Grade 90% on grade level in reading First Grade 83% on grade level in math Second Grade 88% on grade level in reading Second Grade 81% on grade level in math
LGE DATA REPORT FROM CRCT SPRING 2013 Math All Students grades % M/E ELA/Read All Students grades % M/E Fifth Grade Writing 72% M/E Science All Students grades % M/E Social Studies All Students grades % M/E
CRCT Goals for Spring 2015 (2 years) Math-75% M/E All Students ELA/Reading- 90% M/E All Students Science-80% M/E All Students Social Studies-85% M/E All Students Writing 5 th grade-80% M/E All Students
Benchmarking Goals K-2 for Spring 2014 (Pre-assessment given in August. Post-assessment given in May) ALL students who entered the current grade “on grade level” in Math and ELA/Reading Benchmarking will be at or above the appropriate grade level or by the end of the year. ALL students who entered the current grade “below grade level” in Math and ELA/Reading Benchmarking will increase 2 levels by the end of the year.
How Do We Plan to Improve Student Achievement? In grades 3-5, we are departmentalizing. We have added an EIP teacher and now have three. We are using some of our Title money to get a math consultant to support our teachers in understanding the standards that your children must learn. Students write 2 pieces of non-fiction each day. All teachers are getting their “Gifted Endorsement” in order to raise the level of rigor in their instruction.
What Assessments will my child take this year? CRCT –grades 3 – 5 GKIDS – Kindergarten Reading & Math Benchmarks Pre/Post State Writing Assessment – grade 5 Mock Writing Assessment – K – 5 Weekly CFA’s (1-5) Unit Assessments (all grades)
How Can You Help? “Do” math with your child every day! Don’t stop reading to your child just because they can read. Let your child read “all around them” (cereal boxes, coupons, advertisements…..) Attend the PAWS parent/student/teacher conferences in October and February. Get your child to school on time each day. Ask questions if you don’t understand ( or call the teacher). Support LGE! Be here! Attend PTO and Title workshops. Help us help your child achieve greatness!
Henry County Schools Mission and Vision Statement Our Beliefs Henry County Schools is committed to the belief that all students will learn at high levels. We value our stakeholders - students, employees, and parent and community partners - and believe that student success occurs when all stakeholders consistently support high expectations for student, school, and district performance. Our Mission Committed to Ensuring Educational Success for Each Student Our Vision from GOOD... Ensuring Each Student Meets or Exceeds Grade-Level Performance Standards to GREAT... Ensuring Each Student Graduates High School Prepared for Further Learning
Upcoming Parent/Family Events Wildcat Support Team Meeting – –Tuesday, September 17 th 5pm Wildcat Den Rm# 31 PTO Meeting –Tuesday, September 3 rd 6:00 pm Family & Community Fun Day – Sat., Sept. 2st 1 – 10am -12pm
We are excited that you joined up tonight to share your thoughts, opinions and ideas on our Title I Plans for this year. We hope to see you at our future workshops and look forward to working together for the success of our L.G.E. students! THANK YOU!!!!
L.G.E. PAW Card—Parents Are Wonderful! Get your PAW Card stamped at each event. At the end of the year turn it in for a chance at GREAT prizes! Kimberly Lunn, Parent Liaison Locust Grove Elementary 95 LG Griffin Road Locust Grove, GA Phone: 770) Fax: 770)
Shoot for the Moon! “Shoot for the moon! You might not make it, but at least you will land among the stars!”