Housing Department Heritage Square Update City Council William Huang Director of Housing and Career Services
Housing Department Financing and Plan Check Plans are permit ready Construction financing has closed Construction will start well before the 3/23/15 deadline 3
Housing Department Local Benefits Requirements 20% local hire 20% local subcontracting 20% local purchasing Team Bridge Housing (developer) MasBuild (const. mgmt/community outreach) Dreyfuss Construction (general contractor) 4
Housing Department Local Benefits Outreach Website heritagesquarepasadena.com Hotline (626) Dozens of direct calls, s and visits with potential subcontractors and suppliers 3 Subcontractor Pre-Bid Workshops 12/18/14, 12/30/14, 1/8/15 5
Housing Department Local Benefits Results 63 individuals/companies attended the pre-bid workshops Identified 78 local subcontractors and suppliers Connected with numerous organizations for referrals of local individuals Flintridge Pre-Apprenticeship Program, MASH, First Source, NAACP, Alta Pasa, PCC, Nat’l Assoc of Minority Contractors, Nat’l Assoc of Women in Construction 6
Housing Department Local Benefits Results Larger subs will be required to hire at least one local apprentice level worker Interested subcontractors, suppliers, and workers need to use the hotline (626/ ) to contact MasBuild immediately GC will begin to bid out project to subcontractors If there are not enough local subcontractors/suppliers in the initial round of bidding the GC will continue to re-bid the project until the local benefit requirements are met. 7