Strategic Plan IDWN/Global Network AFRICA
REPRESENTATION Define: Is the process of addressing concerns of domestic workers with their mandate with the involvement of all stakeholders Outcome: Ratification of convention in 189 in countries that have not ratified. AchieveNeedsWhoWhen National 1. Membership recruitment: increased membership 2. Work towards an employer’s body to represent domestic workers 1. Mapping out unorganized areas: (i.e do a baseline study) Establish a data base system from the branch levels and the national level Skills development for: leadership, organizers and domestic workers 2. Campaign for a regulation Lobby with employers organization Union Leadership Union members Activities will be continuous. (i.e. Is ongoing)
Regional 1. Documentation of violation cases 2 Educate and train members on representation at the branch level on: -How to negotiate on behalf of their members -Grievance handling/dispute resolution 1. Setting up an information hub where domestic workers can report cases of violation Have a Domestic Workers Watch Train domestic workers on their rights Have a violation register 1. Union Leadership Other union federations
Building Democratic Mass Based Organisations Define: Create space where every stakeholder has a sense of ownership and voice is heard. Free space to share thoughts and ideas. Space to build and create strategies - come up with ideas. Shared responsibility and constituted by an elected body. Freedom. Outcome: To have a fair of the economic wealth, be protected at workplace, have equal rights. AchieveNeedsWhoWhen National Protection Equal Rights Education & Skills Development Support from other unions, government and employers Organize workers Financial support Build Strong alliances with other civil organisations especially those with strong voices Strong visibility Individual Worker Unions Government 2014 Regional
Solidarity & Trade Union Alliances Define: Unity of purpose for collective support and action Outcome: vibrant and strong domestic worker movement AchieveNeedsWhoWhen National Improve working and living conditions for domestic workers at local and national levels Achieve recognition and respect for all domestic workers at all levels Team work Resources - Technical - Finance Commitment Strong and accountable leadership and membership Domestic workers Domestic workers’ union Trade union federations and confederations Progressive media Regional To achieve sustainable domestic workers movement with a strong membership and leadership that is democratic and accountable to its members Strong network Same as at the national level ITUC Support organisations of the trade unions SATUC EATUC ILO
Social Alliances and Social Dialogue Define Outcome AchieveNeedsWhoWhen National Ratification of the convention 189 Few countries for the domestic workers (revise labour law). Domestic workers rights to respect Pension, health & safety, and security at work place Improve a minimum wages eradication of child labor on domestic worker Campaign and campaign materials Training and materials Training the domestic on pension skill Improve a minimum wages Unions Confederations Employers Alliance Government Employers National Confederations NGOs (solidarity center ) Unions Women Committee IUF IDWN FES Social Dialogue Government Employers National Conferation Two years from now
Regional Strengthening network for exchange and information between ITUC - Africa IDWN NGOS that are working with domestic workers or decent work. International awareness on the situation of domestic workers in Africa. Eradication child labor in domestic workers area Unity of campaigns around domestic workers rights Campaign materials Alliance Confederation union NGOs taking up issues of human rights, women and children UN offices IMF world Bank NGOs Social Dialogue Confederation union NGOs taking up issues of human rights, women and children UN offices social partners