2010 Perkins Fall Conference November 10 th, 2010 Cynthia Muna Director of Perkins North Hennepin Community College and Special assignment for OOC
Minnesota faces a large and growing undersupply of workers with postsecondary education. By 2018,70% of jobs in Minnesota will require some postsecondary training beyond high school. Currently, only 30% of Minnesota’s working adults have that level of training. Minnesota needs adults to enter and complete career pathways to postsecondary education and credentials. The high school pipeline alone, with a declining population and graduation rate will not give Minnesota the workforce it needs. To empower Minnesota’s life-long learners to become self-sufficient contributors to a vital, interdependent global economy
The current MNPOS web advising system was created to assist high school students transitioning from secondary to postsecondary. The framework for this system was organized to help students plan their program of study, beginning in 9 th grade through grade 14. Students are able to follow an academic and technical path to prepare them for the transition into the college system.
The web advising strand for adults will meet students where they are on their academic and/or employment training journey. The web advising system will offer the student a road map. College courses associated with certificate, diploma, and degree Wage projections
Labor Market data/demand and outlook Industry recognized standards and credential Offer occupational information on high wage, high skill, and high demand employment opportunities available to them.
Focus on the needs of students in making career decisions and employers’ workforce needs Include entry and exit points on the map for opportunities in both education and employment. Define entry points: prerequisites set of competencies or credentials Assure high school student users utilize the link to community college roadmaps Directly linked to ISEEK labor market information, which will be automatically updated Be descriptive; not prescriptive
Provide access for all students, regardless of educational or skill level Multiple entry and exit points tied to jobs Linked to employer needs Uses existing curriculum to build toward degree completion Easily understandable Meets students’ life needs Flexibility
Accounting Bookkeeping Example Computer Applications for ELL 40 PCC website: ys/
The template can be created to fit the needs of the learner and institution. Guide the student from semester to semester and assist with tracking completed course curriculum to obtain certificates, diplomas, and degrees Track credit for prior learning, certifications, and other short term training, internships, and service learning project.