EU Product Safety and Market Surveillance Package A BIS perspective
2 What does BIS do? We are the Department for economic growth. We do this by: –Promoting trade –Boosting innovation –Helping people to start and grow businesses –Protecting consumers –Reducing the impact of regulation
3 Who else has an interest from UK Government? Most UK Government Departments have an interest in this package because they are responsible for policies which relate to products, which are linked to trade or which sponsor enforcement agencies. For example: –Trading Standards enforces a wide range of legislation –Home Office sponsors the UK Border Force –Department for Work and Pensions sponsors the Health and Safety Executive
4 Where does the Product Regulation Team fit in? Overall co-ordination of policy on product safety and market surveillance overall Policy leadership of particular Directives and Regulations –Negotiation –Expert input –Interpretation –Liaising with industry
5 What does all of this mean for developing a UK position? We have a lot of departmental and interdepartmental interests to take account of – need to coordinate an overall Government approach that is consistent and which accurately reflects UK policy We have a wide and diverse range of stakeholder interests – multinational companies, SMEs, government bodies, individual consumers, legislators, etc.
6 What’s the process for agreeing a UK position? Initial internal evaluation of the proposals and discussion with colleagues about what we think they mean/possible impact Proposals presented in February 2013 Agreement of an initial UK position so that we have a ministerial mandate for negotiations April/May 2013 Informal consultation throughout the process with government and non-government stakeholders Ongoing Formal consultation and response Closed on 4 th September; response expected by the end of this year Economic analysis of the proposals
7 What are the key issues from our perspective? Product Safety –Scope –Origin marking –Obligations on economic operators –System of traceability Market Surveillance –Reporting and risk –Co-ordination of activities –Reference laboratories Delegated and implementing acts
8 What happens next? Consultation response due 4 December 2013 Ongoing consultation with stakeholders Discussions with EU Commission, Working Groups, MEPs etc. We want to hear your views
9 Contact details Phil Earl, Head of Product Regulation Mark Begbie, Product Safety Caroline Lucas, Market Surveillance