What is TAP? Introduction 2 A Partnership of: Dept of Defense Dept of Labor Dept of Veterans Affairs Dept of Homeland Security FO&D
Goal: To ease the transition for service members from a military career back to the civilian sector by connecting them to necessary services and resources. Preseparation Counseling TAP Employment Workshops VA Benefits Brief Disabled Transition Assistance Program (DTAP) What is TAP? Introduction 3 FO&D
DOL TAP Employment Workshop DOL Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) exists to assure that Veterans succeed in the 21 st Century Workforce. VETS has provided TAP Employment Workshops to separating and retiring military members and their spouses since Introduction 4 FO&D
DOL TAP Employment Workshop Employment Workshops 2 ½ Days Professionally trained facilitators Focus on resumes, interviewing & job searches Provide skills assessment & Labor Market Information Introduction 5 FO&D
This 2 ½ day workshop covers six core topics: 1. Personal Appraisal Anticipate & Deal with Stress Identify Strengths and Analyze Skills Determine Work Preferences & Work- Related Values Workshop Overview Introduction 6
2. Career Exploration Career Research Assess Financial Needs Workshop Overview (continued) Introduction 7
Workshop Overview (continued) 3.Strategies for an Effective Job Search Set Goals & Get Organized Researching Companies Job Search Assistance & Employment Opportunities Creating Effective Resumes Introduction 8
Workshop Overview (continued) 4.Interviews Interview Process Handling Questions & Answers Body Language & “Dressing for Success” Introduction 9
5.Reviewing Job Offers Evaluate Job Offers Negotiate Job Offers Communicating Your Decision Workshop Overview (continued) Introduction 10
6.Support and Assistance Dept of Defense Dept of Labor Dept of Veterans Affairs Dept of Homeland Security Small Business Administration Federal Student Aid Workshop Overview (continued) Introduction 11
Complete a hand-written DRAFT resume. Understand how to use the Key to Career Success Cards and know the resources available to you at a One-Stop Career Center. Workshop Standards and Expectations Introduction 12
Conduct a mock interview and receive feedback you can use. Become familiar with the DVOP / LVER positions and how to contact a representative in the area you will be residing or searching for employment. Workshop Standards and Expectations Introduction 13
Workshop Administration Breaks Meals Dress Participation Attendance You are expected to attend each day of this workshop. Introduction 14
For a Successful Workshop Turn off cell phones and pagers Don’t return to your office or unit This is your time Take notes and ask questions Complete homework Come ready with a winning attitude! Introduction 15