Transition Planning & Post School Outcomes for Students with Disabilities Krista Hazzard University of Massachusetts Lowell
Transitional Planning Components Competitive Employment Post Secondary Education Vocational Training Self Determination Independent Living Community Participation Interpersonal Relationships “Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own” Nikos Kazantzakis
The Transitional Team Members Participants of the transitional team for a student should include the following members: Student Family Teachers, Educational Specialists and Administration Healthcare Providers Social Workers Adult Service Representatives
The Transition Plan Students should begin the transitional planning process between the ages of 14 to 16 formulating goals and plans for the future. The transition plan is a component to the student’s Individualized Education Plan and should be reviewed annually. “Summary of Performance” is required in an IEP and incorporates academic achievement, functional performance and recommendations. The establishment of team relationships is an essential piece to the plan. A multi-tiered approach to build upon individual knowledge, experiences and skills. Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I’ll understand” Chinese Proverb
Statistics Harris Survey of 2004 commissioned by the National Organization on Disability results: 35% of individuals with a disability were employed full or part- time compared to 78% of non-disabled individuals 45% of individuals with disabilities were less likely to enroll in post secondary education 46% would not obtain a checking account 57% would less likely be employed after leaving the public sector of school
Employment Individuals with disabilities are underemployed, in low level jobs and below market waged employment. The average wages for an individual with a disability is $8.20 compared to the general population of $9.20. Individuals with disabilities most popular employment opportunities are in food service, skilled labor and cashier clerks. The average job duration for an individual with a disability is approximately 15 months. “
Self Determination “The student’s rights to make plans that reflect their wishes, not only the ideas of professionals and parents…” ( Friend, 2008). Self determination = More Independence and Higher Wages Decision Making Goal Attainment Learning from experiences
Independent Living “Making informed career and lifespan decisions and developing the necessary skills to enable the individual to be as independent as possible” ( Milsom, 2007). Personal Independence Living Arrangements Family Life Friendships and Relationships Community Participation Decision Making
Conclusion “Transitional planning is a life-long activity in which students, families and professionals work together for a successful adult life” (Kellem & Morningstar, 2010). There is no “one size fits all” to a transitional plan. The most important pieces to the complex puzzle is to begin the process early and have the individual who is making the transition an active participant in the process. There are viable opportunities in this world for individuals with disabilities but it takes a team approach, communication and commitment to find the opportunity that is most suitable and meaningful to the individual.
“Making A Difference” A positive and motivating segment that good things are happening in the world for individuals with disabilities. Click on the Link below: Producing Jobs for able workers