Health Behaviors vs. Alcohol and Drugs, Chapter 7, quiz 18 Describe what influences health behaviors Describe why behaviors like abusing alcohol and drugs can be harmful to your health
Some facts about alcohol/drug use: 1 in 7 people have a problem with alcohol abuse. 1 in 10 people have a problem with drug abuse. Alcohol has been implicated in: 500,000 injuries 400,000 incidences of unprotected sex 600,000 assaults 70,000 victims of sexual assault among college students
College presidents state that the number 1 problem on college campuses is: Alcohol, why: 29% of dropouts are related to alcohol abuse 38% academic failures 66% of unsafe sex practices 75% of date rapes
So what influences us to engage or not engage in unhealthy behaviors ? Family-my dad Role models-my teachers Social pressure-friends ? Emotional wounds-psychological needs