1 Highway Venue
Injury Facts 2 Injury Data Highlights Injury Facts® 2011 Edition Injury Facts® 2011 Edition Most current data available – 2009, 2008, or 2007 – depending on the source Most current data available – 2009, 2008, or 2007 – depending on the source
Injury Facts 3 Highway Venue 211 million drivers (+1%) 211 million drivers (+1%) 259 million vehicles (+<.5%) 259 million vehicles (+<.5%) 3.0 trillion vehicle-miles travel (+2%) 3.0 trillion vehicle-miles travel (+2%) 14,000 miles/driver 35,900 deaths (-10%) 35,900 deaths (-10%) 3.5 million medically consulted injuries – (first year of estimate) 3.5 million medically consulted injuries – (first year of estimate)
Injury Facts 4 Recent Trends Source: Injury Facts, 2010 Ed.
Injury Facts 5 Recent Trends (Cont.) Source: Injury Facts, 2010 Ed.
Injury Facts 6 Impact of Recession Periods
7 Highway Safety Issues
Injury Facts 8 Distracted driving In 2009, 5,474 people lost their lives and an estimated 448,000 people were injured in police reported crashes that involved distraction (NHTSA). In 2009, 5,474 people lost their lives and an estimated 448,000 people were injured in police reported crashes that involved distraction (NHTSA). 9% of drivers were using cell phones in % of drivers were using cell phones in Use was highest among young drivers years old and higher among females than males.
Injury Facts 9 Distracted driving NSC estimates that 23% of all crashes are attributable to cell phones (conversations & text messaging) NSC estimates that 23% of all crashes are attributable to cell phones (conversations & text messaging) Costs: $13 Billion Costs: $13 Billion
Injury Facts 10 Young Drivers Total fatalities in crashes involving year old drivers exceeded 5,623 in Total fatalities in crashes involving year old drivers exceeded 5,623 in The latest 2007 mortality figures show that motor-vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for year olds. The latest 2007 mortality figures show that motor-vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for year olds. Young driver fatalities account for only about half of the overall fatalities associated with young drivers. Young driver fatalities account for only about half of the overall fatalities associated with young drivers. Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Injury Facts 11 Young Drivers Source: Injury Facts, 2010 Ed.
Injury Facts 12 Young Drivers Involved in Crashes, Population8.5%8.4% Licensed Drivers 6.4%6.5% Fatal Crashes 11.8%11.6% Injury Crashes 15.0%14.2% Property-Damage-Only Crashes 15.1%15.8% All Fatal Crashes 15.0%15.3%
Injury Facts 13 Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes per 100,000 Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 2009
Injury Facts 14 Occupant protection 12,432 deaths of unrestrained occupants 12,432 deaths of unrestrained occupants Down 3% from 12,865 in 2008 Down 3% from 12,865 in states & D.C. have mandatory use laws 49 states & D.C. have mandatory use laws 85% belt use overall in % belt use overall in % belt use in “primary” enforcement states vs. 77% in other states 88% belt use in “primary” enforcement states vs. 77% in other states
Injury Facts 15 Alcohol Fatalities in alcohol-impaired crashes declined by 7% to 10,839 from 2007 to Fatalities in alcohol-impaired crashes declined by 7% to 10,839 from 2007 to % of deaths 32% of deaths 21 year drinking age in all states and D.C. 21 year drinking age in all states and D.C BAC threshold in all states and D.C BAC threshold in all states and D.C. Zero tolerance for minors in all states and D.C. Zero tolerance for minors in all states and D.C.
Injury Facts 16 Alcohol 10,839 alcohol- impaired deaths in ,839 alcohol- impaired deaths in % of deaths 32% of deaths
Injury Facts 17 Speeding 11,674 fatalities 11,674 fatalities Down 9% from 2008 Down 9% from 2008 Excessive speed was a factor in 31% of all traffic fatalities in 2009 (stable from 2008) Excessive speed was a factor in 31% of all traffic fatalities in 2009 (stable from 2008)
Injury Facts 18 Motorcycles 51% of fatally injured riders >40 years old 51% of fatally injured riders >40 years old
Injury Facts 19