How Can Engineers Get More Involved in Public Policy Development? 2009 PUBLIC POLICY CONFERENCE Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and.


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Presentation transcript:

How Can Engineers Get More Involved in Public Policy Development? 2009 PUBLIC POLICY CONFERENCE Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador Annual Conference and AGM June 8, 2012 Donald Wallace, PhD

2 The time has arrived when engineers will have to venture out from the shelter and comfort of the Ivory Tower and enter the arena of boiling controversy, real-world debate, and −brace yourselves− politics. It is no longer viable to place our high-tech candle under a bushel, for at best we will find ourselves in darkness and at worst our bushel will go up in flames.… Engineers must become as adept in dealing with societal and political forces as they are with gravitational and electromagnetic forces. Norman Augustine former CEO of Lockheed Martin

3 Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won’t take an interest in you. Pericles

4 Doctors bury their mistakes, engineers build monuments to theirs

5 Engineer’s obligation protect public interest prevent any situation that might cause harm to public

6 Role of engineers Engineering impacts health and vitality of Canada, perhaps more than any other profession  business competitiveness  open planning processes  environmental regulations  elevated community expectations  greater responsibility placed on those executing projects

7 What is public policy? Public policy [is] a fascinating yet complex interplay of diverse interests and power relationships that brings together various actors with multiple perspectives in a quest to achieve something resembling a common objective. Andrew Colombo and Brian Karney University of Toronto

8 Engineers and public policy indirect connections/haphazard engagement have said too little about key developments policy debate ceded to economists, lawyers, environmentalists as a consequence, public policy designed without adequate recognition of the technical requirements for success

9 History engineers involved in public policy for decades input, participation often misunderstood, undervalued collective approaches have been random, ad hoc

10 Policy skills help engineers to become opportunity finders, problem solvers to be seen as go-to professionals for public policy insights to promote hard-wired link between infrastructure, technology, quality of life

11 The challenge inform public about importance of science and technology be more visible and vocal promote value, application, contribution and investment of science and technology communicate more frequently, clearly and proactively

12 Beyond the traditional initiate, communicate, negotiate, participate engineers can be more vocal in public policy forums lead and implement change, improve quality of life become opportunity finders, problem solvers engineers can be seen as go-to professionals for public policy insights

13 Engineers Not at the Table how many Canadian CEOs are engineers? how many MHAs are engineers? how many ministers? how many deputy ministers?

14 Canadian engineers in politics Gary Filmon, Manitoba premier, Marc Garneau, MP, Westmount-Ville Marie, Harvie André, MP, Calgary Centre ; cabinet minister Jack Davis, MP, Coast-Capilano/Capilano ; cabinet minister; MLA, North Vancouver- Seymour , Frank Miller, Ontario premier, 1975; MPP, Muskoka, ; cabinet minister

15 Engineers on the world stage …plus eight of the nine members of China’s Politburo standing committee

16 Why don’t engineers become leaders? education emphasizes technical, not broader skills until late 20 th century, engineering projects local in nature speed of technological change may impede career transition (don’t other professionals, such as doctors, encounter the same challenges to becoming leaders?) engineers’ public interest role unclear to public, engineers engineers solutions-oriented; government all about process

17 Engineer stereotype: nerds, socially awkward Somewhat fantastic brotherhood of over- specialized cranks, not to be trusted out of sight except under the restraining hand of safe and sane businessmen. Thomas Veblen Economist

18 Why engineers sometimes get a bad rep


20 Examples paid or voluntary providing expert testimony in legal matters serving on technical advisory committees participating in public enquiries working with community, interest or advocacy groups

21 Current/emerging challenges world population almost 8 billion by 2020 greatest population surge slated for Asia, Africa increased aging populations in developed countries changing demographics global economic pressures outsourcing of engineering jobs

22 More challenges… more emphasis on interdisciplinary, system- based approaches technology integrated into infrastructure, everyday life serious decline of infrastructure greater regulation of natural resources and the environment increased global energy demands dwindling traditional energy supplies

23 “Technology: Engineers and scientists will be highly coveted to develop novel computer software and green energy systems, and revamp dated infrastructure. New high-tech products can increase U.S. exports to burgeoning global markets.” Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2010 Price Waterhouse Coopers and Urban Land Institute

24 Carry the leadership torch help ensure that engineer’s duty to protect is fulfilled share engineering expertise and experience have greater say in direction, content and scope of policy decisions