October 27 – Nov 2 Turn it Up
Newcastle Music Week was conceived to reignite appreciation of Live Music as a universal form of entertainment.
To give our students an “edge” and an “in” into the Music Business Industry
To add “oomph” to Learning Outcomes
DayEventLocationTarget FridayBoogie on Beaumont Hamilton precinct Families Saturday Sunday Boardwalk Sessions Harbour Foreshore Famlies 15 – 30 Cafe SaturdayPunk and Grind Wheeler Place 12 – 22 years MondayMonday Metal Madness Cambridge Hotel Metal Fans WednesdayA Major Music Expo Newcastle City Hall Students, Musos WednesdayRock NiteCambridge Hotel 18 – 26 TertStudents ThursdayIndustry Showcase Newcastle Civic Theatre Families 12 – 22yrs
Why would Industry want to participate?
Raise profile Reach target group Fill unused resources Community involvement TAFE partnership Good experience
Relating Learning Outcomes to Events
MODULE 7814G Music Project Teamwork On completion the learner should be able to participate in the work process. Under supervision, research, analyse and use information. Contribute creative ideas. complete work as allocated.
Events - Outcomes MODULE 7814G Music Project Teamwork On completion the learner should be able to participate in the work process. Under supervision, research, analyse and use information. Contribute creative ideas. 1,2,3You are required to contribute to the Process Document for your team and submit that Process Document for marking. This document will be a record of the processes of the project including: group discussions; actions resulting from group discussions; individual contributions to the project; log of the processes of research, rehearsals etc; timeline for the project with attention to specific tasks and expected outcomes. Complete work as allocated. 4 You are required to participate in the running of a musical event.
Relating Learning Outcomes to Events MODULE 7813G Music Project Management Assess the suitability of a range of venues for different kinds of musical events. Prepare for a musical event, negotiating venue requirements with appropriate representatives. Organise the promotion of a musical event. Prepare an implementation strategy for the musical event
Relating Learning Outcomes to Events MODULE 7811AC Project Collaboration On completion of this module, the learner should be able to cooperate in planning the product and strategy for producing it. Value and respect the skills of others and their contribution to the project. Set up and maintain productive workplace relationships. Use effective strategies for solving problems.
Relating Learning Outcomes to Events MODULE 7820D Music Project Management On completion the learner should be able to determine scope of projects. Develop a plan for the limited project or section of the larger project. Administer and monitor project. Review project against plan.
How do you coordinate: So many students So many personalities So much red tape So many different organisations
KPIs 1.To Increase Awareness of The Music Department
KPIs 2.To Create a Unique, Practical Learning Opportunity for Our Students
KPIs 3.To Make a Difference to the Local Music Scene
Evaluations: Staff Students Judges Businesses Schools
Forward thinking team dedicated to the success of NMW Innovative Thinkers Fresh intake of students each year with new ideas, concepts and enthusiasm Safety – we know the processes to make “x” work so why change it to “y” Safety with what has been tried and tested – “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” OH&S and Insurance regulations make it difficult to meet budget and cause legal implications that staff are not paid for, nor able to handle TAFE rules and regulations Music Department not afraid to push limits Dedicated staff prepared to work above and beyond the call of duty Support from Faculty and Management Desire to increase students employment opportunities Forward thinking team dedicated to the success of Newcastle Music Week. Established branding increases sponsorship opportunities. Leads to increased budget so innovations can have lower risk element Support from local council, schools and music businesses who are encouraged to contribute ideas Goal to parallel Tamworth Music Festival implies continuous change should occur for the event to grow. Forces Driving Change Forces Resisting Change Potential for low level student commitment is the unknown factor with each new intake Potential for decreased support from local council re subsidies and grants. Budget Limitations Students not accepting responsibility for the event
Continuous Development and Growth Format Sponsor Systems Community Involvement Website Students
October 27 – Nov 2 Turn it Up