Promote Student Pathways for Success A philosophy that’s based on our strategic goals and core values, mainly focusing on student success and employment needs Follows national clusters and WTCS career pathway standards All pathway options are linked to employment and meet local labor market needs- short term opportunities
Provide Quality Student Learning A clear and defined set of skills and core competencies Focuses on key attainable goals based on interest and achievement Contributes to student success (incremental success: retention, completions, graduation) Multiple entry and multiple exit points Provides students with multiple educational options and employment opportunities (new jobs, career changers, promotional opportunities, etc.)
OpportunitiesChallenges Process (Internal, External) Key Considerations & Highlights
Challenges Funds & Time Transition
Internal WTCS Employment Industry Standards Financial Aid
Gloria Pitchford- Nicholas
Dorothy Walker
Mohammad Dakwar
Wilma Bonaparte
Key Considerations & highlights Keep the primary template simple (other options are available and can be explored with the faculty advisor or counselor) Provide multiple templates and multiple options (web-based, interactive, individualized)
Key Considerations & highlights Standard pathways within programs (embedded: Certificate, Diploma, AAS) PreCollege to TD and AAS Programs High School to MATC- Occupational 2+2: MATC to 4-Year College- Transfer (Recruitment starts at HS) Non-traditional models (1+1)+2 and 3+1
Key Considerations & highlights Reverse articulations/pathways: specifically for students with a bachelor’s degree Dual degree options: (Culinary Arts and Baking), (ITNET and ITSEC), etc. A set of common core courses within division, foundational courses, multiple pathway options/directions