ZeroPoint Clean Tech, Inc. Biomass to Energy Solutions NYSERDA Business Development Program Review Brooklyn, NY June 10, 2010
October 12, ZeroPoint Company Overview ZeroPoint has developed advanced biomass gasification systems for distributed renewable CHP and thermal applications Founded in 2006 in affiliation with Clarkson University Investment from NY Common Fund Manufacturing in Tonawanda, NY (Hebeler Corp.) Exporting NY Energy Technology into global markets Building new markets for agricultural and forest sectors
October 12, Technology – ZeroPoint Gasification Enhanced Downdraft Gasification Design (optimized upgrade of known/reliable technology/processes) In-situ tar cracking (cleaner gas) Up to 85% Conversion of Biomass BTU Syngas Valuable Biochar and Ash as Byproduct Operates at Atmospheric Pressure (safer, easier, lower cost valves) Compact and Configurable Footprint Highly Monitored and Controlled Clear Path to Product Field Readiness (months vs. years)
October 12, ZeroPoint’s Distributed Model ZeroPoint Distributed Energy project capacities: –CHP 2 – 10 MW –Renewable Gas Mmbtu/hr ZeroPoint Distributed Energy projects will be deployed: –At the source of feedstock –At the source of load/commodity requirements –Both –To minimize or eliminate feedstock/fuel transport or electric transmission requirements Features: –Zero-emission, carbon-neutral process qualifies for renewable attribute value (CERs, RPS, etc) –Minimal siting issues compared to large scale generation
October 12,
7 Joint Venture Business Model ZeroPoint has established four international Joint Ventures to date: United Kingdom Northern Europe India Malaysia Joint Venture guarantees sales pipeline in exchange for geographic exclusivity ZP deploys technology through Joint Ventures for substantial margin ZP also holds minority equity stake in Joint Venture for recurring project revenue streams All JVs are qualified counterparties, capable of handling and financing all project development efforts
October 12, Advantages of Biomass Energy Biomass energy displaces high carbon fossil fuels Biomass energy reduces dependence on imported energy Biomass energy provides base load energy, other renewable resources are intermittent Biomass energy builds new markets for agricultural resources and waste streams Biomass energy creates local jobs
ZeroPoint Advantages Higher conversion efficiency translates into improved project economics System scale is suited to reality of biomass supplies Skid mounted configuration mitigates project site selection risk Small footprint design reduces siting issues Downdraft gasification captures carbon in biochar rather than releasing into atmosphere October 12,