Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections Facts About Teens and Sexual Activity
Sexual Activity Classified as: 1. Manual sex (touching of genitals) 2. Oral sex (contact of mouth to genitals) 3. Vaginal sex/intercourse (penis penetrating vagina) 4. Anal sex (penis penetrating anus)
General Sexual Activity Among Teens As of 2011: Less than half (46%) of high school students report having had sexual intercourse 33% of 9 th graders have had intercourse 62% of 12 th graders have had intercourse The median age at first intercourse is 16.9 years for boys and 17.4 years for girls
Teens, Sex, and Drugs 22% of sexually active teens reported using alcohol or drugs during their most recent sexual encounter 7% of high school students have been forced into sexual intercourse
Teen Pregnancy Statistics U.S. has highest rates of teen pregnancy in developed world Pregnancy rate in female teens ages is 71 per 1,000 Approximately 18% of abortions are teens and 33% are ages 20-24
Teens and Sexually Transmitted Infections Every year, one in four sexually active teens and one in three 24 year olds contracts an STI/STD Adolescents are at a higher risk for acquiring an STD compared to adults The CDC estimates that 35% of year olds are infected with HPV
Reasons Teens are Not Ready for Sex You think sex = love Feel pressured Unaware of protection against pregnancy and STDs Embarrassment Parent disapproval Breakup is likely, you probably won’t marry the person Risk of being a parent yourself
Abstinence Abstinence is the deliberate decision to wait until marriage to engage in sexual activity 54% of high school students practice abstinence Abstinence is the ONLY way to protect yourself 100% from pregnancy and STDs
Why Wait for Sex? No guilt or dishonesty Keep future dreams and goals No negative reputation No unwanted pregnancy No worry of STIs Less emotional stress No abortion of adoption decisions No side effects of birth control
Pregnancy and STI Prevention “Safer Sex” Abstinence is the only option that is 100% effective Barrier protection (condoms) provides protection for both pregnancy and some STIs Other protection methods are for pregnancy prevention only
Condoms Condoms are 86%-95% effective in protection of BOTH pregnancy and some STDs when used properly Proper use includes: -use for all sexual acts - never reuse a condom - unroll properly - prevent slippage
Diaphragms 80%-91% effective against pregnancy Lowers risk of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) HPV (human papillomavirus) and cervical cancer
Oral Contraceptives “ Birth Control Pills” offer protection ONLY against pregnancy Birth Control Pills are hormones which “trick” the body so the ovaries do not release eggs When taken correctly 99% effective NO protection against STDs
Methods Not Recommended for Teens IUD (intrauterine device) Sterilization (Tubal ligation or Vasectomy) Rhythm Method (tracking menstrual cycle) Withdrawal Method (withdrawal of penis before ejaculation)
Wait Until Marriage! Do you really think you are ready for parenthood? Or…HPV, HIV, Herpes, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis…