Workforce Alignment Pottawattamie County’s Workforce Alignment Plan
Our Purpose Today Share our vision for future workforce growth Seek YOUR endorsement of the plan Plant seeds for future collaboration
The Imperative Pottawattamie County is on the brink of a workforce crisis. Minus a skilled workforce, businesses will go elsewhere. Minus businesses, talented workers and youth will go elsewhere.
The Local Picture 21% of the workforce Baby boomers, 21% of the workforce, will begin leaving the workforce in the next 10 years (Source IWD, 2012) The unemployment rate: ▫ Pottawattamie county - 3.8%; Iowa - 4.8% (Source IWD, July, 2013) ▫ year olds - 28%; year olds - 10% (Source ACS, 2011)
The Planning Partners*
Proposed Strategic Plan Proposed Strategic Plan Goals RequireAction Over Time
Goal 1 Expand the leadership role and level of involvement of the business sector in the workforce development system. Goal 2 Enhance communication between employers, educational institutions and other workforce service providers in order to meet the needs of employers and better prepare workers.
Create an environment that fosters more employment opportunities. Goal 3 Provide youth with opportunities and resources to develop skills and knowledge that empower them to enter and thrive in the workforce. Goal 4
Expand opportunities for existing workers to upgrade their skills. Goal 5 Reduce the barriers that limit the growth of the community’s workforce. Goal 6 Strengthen the capacity of the regional workforce system to respond rapidly to meet the workforce needs of employers. Goal 7
Example: Ellison Technologies Workforce need identified by Ellison Technologies. This led to student tours, job shadowing and internships. IWCC partnered with Ellison to create a Robotics Tech program.
Timeline SepNovJanMarMayJulSepNov 2017 Collaborate with Key Partners Sustaining Plan Over Time (4-5 years) Evaluation of Plan/Revisions Continue Building Community Awareness Implementation of Plan Initialize Plan Implementation Gain Key Endorsements Build Awareness of Workforce Issue
Revisit Today’s Purpose Share our vision for future workforce growth Seek YOUR endorsement of the plan Plant seeds for future collaboration
What Will It Take? Support/Endorsement of the Plan Collaborate with Us Partner with Us to Lead Implementation
Thank You! From the Workforce Alignment Advisory Committee