Science Fair Mai Lai 12/10/09 Bio. 4
Big Question What can remove permanent marker ink? Which agent can remove it the best? I want to test what can remove permanent ink.
Hypothesis I think that alcohol will remove the ink the best. I also believe that all of my selected agents will be able to remove the ink.
Interesting Facts The vinegar did not remove the ink very well. Flour actually did pretty good. Alcohol did remove it the best, but smudged it a little. Although flour and dishwasher soap did not smudge at all. Nail Polish remover had about the same effect as alcohol. Flour and dishwasher soap needed more elbow grease.
Experiment Materials: Permanent Markers (I used Sharpie fine point and BiC fine point.) Dishwasher soap (Palmolive) Alcohol (rubbing alcohol 70%) Nail Polish Remover Vinegar Flour (all-purpose) Rags White board To complete this experiment: 1.Choose the first type of marker 2.Draw a line down the board 3.Take the first erasing agent, put some of it on the rag, and try to rub off the marker from the board 4.Repeat with all agents. Then take the other type of marker, and do steps 1-4 Controlled Variables: I controlled the ink, because that only changed when I did the two types of markers. I also controlled the removing agents, switching them out with each marker.
Observations Sharpie is more permanent than BiC, according to my experiment. The BiC smeared more than the Sharpie when vinegar was put on. Flour only works with water on the rag. Alcohol leaves a faint blue line on Sharpie. Nail polish leaves a faint blue line on Sharpie.
Data Removing Agent Nail Polish Dish washer soap VinegarFlourAlcohol Marke r Sharpi e Removed completely, with a bit of smudge Removed all black ink, with a blue line. No smudge. Tons of smudge, did not remove. Removed all black ink, with blue line left behind. No smudge Removed completely with a bit of smudge, but less than smudge of nail polish BiC Removed completely. No smudge Removed with black ink, left blue line. A lot of smudge, and more so than Sharpie Removed all black ink, left blue line. Removed completely, no smudge. Left whiteboard whiter than white
Analysis Because alcohol and nail polish remover could take off all of the ink of BiC, it seems as though Sharpie is more permanent than BiC. The flour by itself did not work, but with water, it did. When it was mixed with water, if made the flour more abrasive and could remove the ink.
Conclusion My hypothesis was incorrect regarding the question can all the removing agents remove the ink. Vinegar could not. My other hypothesis was correct. Alcohol was the best remover. Permanent markers, are not truly permanent as soon as put on. Some solvents can remove the ink.