Tobacco Discussion Part 1
Facts 9/10 teens continue smoking into adulthood, unable to stop Teens who begin to smoke, 1/3 die from a smoke-related cause Over 2.6 million packs of cigarettes are sold illegally to minors in the US
Why Young People Start Smoking Reasons: Insecure in social situations To remove fears or insecurities Peer pressure Light-headed/Stimulant effect Smoking seems attractive (Ads)
What’s in Cigarettes? Cigarettes are the most common used form of tobacco Why are chemicals put into cigarettes? Nicotine Regular vs “Lights” Non menthol vs Menthol
Other Forms of Tobacco Smokeless tobacco-12 million Americans Smokeless tobacco causes: Brown-stained teeth Mouth sores = cancer of the lip, mouth, throat Damage to teeth and gums Damage to digestive system Pipes/Cigars More tar is generated
Effects of Smoking On the Smoker Respiratory/Circulatory issues Diseases Chronic Bronchitis Emphysema Lung Cancer On the Non-Smoker Passive/main/side stream 3,000+ people a year die
Smoking on Performance/Behavior Physical fitness-performance and endurance Teen smoker’s heart beats 2-3 times faster Coughing Shortness of breath Smoking is associated with fighting Smokers are 3x more likely to use alcohol, 8x-marijuana, 22x- cocaine
Strategies/Benefits for Quitting Withdrawal A smoker might feel nervous or moody/difficult to sleep Using filters, nicotine levels gradually go down Nicotine substitutions (Gums, Patches, Rx) Immediate Benefits Improved cardiovascular endurance Reduced chances of heart disease and stroke Long-Term Sense of freedom MONEY! Can be spent on other healthful forms of recreation Tips for Quitting
E-Cigarettes First developed in China and were introduced to the U.S. market in 2007 All e-cigarettes work basically the same way. Inside, there's a battery, a heating element, and a cartridge that holds nicotine and other liquids and flavorings. Features and costs vary. Some are disposable. Others have a rechargeable battery and refillable cartridges.
E-Cigs Harms Liquid nicotine can be lethal. Second hand smoke is the same Users experienced diminished lung function, airway resistance Benefits Smoke-free and tobacco-free, but they're not nicotine-free The habit is cheaper- $400 less Allowed in most smoke-free environments