The Divided Kingdom We began this morning. Incredible people – their choices are just like our choices. The lessons have huge applications today. Please take your Bible to 1 Kings 11 – we will begin there in a moment.
Review 1st & 2nd Kings: The Explanation of the Division Key Dates: 1050 BC, The Kingdom Begins 931 BC, The Kingdom Divides 722 BC, Assyrian Captivity 606 BC, Babylonian Captivity 586 BC, Destruction of the Temple Over-ridding Theme: Disobeying God leads to captivity, but restoration is available.
The Big Mistakes of Rehoboam & Jeroboam They Did Not Consult God Rehoboam: In How To Lead. (1 Kings 12:4-15) Jeroboam: In How To Worship. (1 Kings 12:28) Rehoboam: Failied Policy, Failed Diplomacy (16-19), Failed Military (21-24). “Leadership is a stewardship, and it is temporary.” Rehoboam Ruled Judah for 17 years. Jeroboam Ruled Israel for 22 years. Rehoboam – His problem is deeper than just which People he listens to. (Don’t just listen to people telling us what we want to hear.) *It doesn’t matter who our best friend is. It doesn’t matter how smart we are. It doesn’t matter what position we’ve been put into. The moment we fail to look for GOD’s COUNSEL – in our decisions. We are in SERIOUS TROUBLE. We need to be people who make our decisions as directed by the commands and wisdom of God recorded in the Bible. We need to be people who are prayerful about our choices, acknowledging our need for Him. Policy :: Difficult Labor Diplomacy:: He sent the leader of the forced labor. On one hand this makes sense – of course you want your guy with tons of experience negotiating for you. But on the other – this is a suicide mission. This guy is the VERY EMBLEM of all they HATE about Rehoboam’s policies. Military:: God just stops. Like a Father saying “I’ve had enough – Stop it right now” Both of these men teach us a valuable lesson – Good for husbands, for employers, for mothers, for all of us who lead in various ways. A stewardship – if you don’t use it well, it will be taken away and given to someone else.
Life Lessons from Jeroboam Hard work, without Godliness, only leads to greater failure. (1 Kings 11:28) Knowing the future holds an amazing reward, is no substitute for a commitment to love and serve God. (11:37-38) No one is exempt from the influence of their surroundings, even if the influence only shows up in a later season of life. (11:40) Our internal dialogue can be our greatest enemy. (12:26) Internal Dialogue: Michael Hyatt – CEO of Thomas Nelson publishing. Speaking of the beginning of his career. I struggled constantly with anxiety and fear—anxiety was the daytime version; fear was the nighttime version. This manifest itself in my body in two embarrassing ways: First, I sweat profusely. Second, my hands were always cold—ice cold. Before attending important meetings, I would wear two t-shirts, hoping that I wouldn’t sweat through both. I strategically selected my clothing, based on which colors would show the least amount of perspiration. I would also step into the bathroom right before the meeting began, and frantically run hot water over my hands. I would then dry them vigorously, praying that they would warm up. I dreaded having to shake hands with anyone. At some point, I realized that the problem was not in my body, but in my head. I was telling myself a bad story. Mine went like this: You are too young for this job. Worse, you don’t have the experience. Who do you think you are fooling? It’s just a matter of time before everyone in the company sees it. When that happens, you will be out on the street—right where you should have been all along. I would never say this out loud, of course. It was just the sound-track that was playing inside my head. ….. Once I realize that this is what had happened to me, I crafted a new story. Mine went like this: Yes, you are young. That gives you tremendous energy. You also don’t have a lot of experience, which is why it is easier for you to think outside the box. God has provided everything you need to be successful in this situation. Even if you fail, you will learn something from it. You can’t lose; you can only quit. And you most certainly are not a quitter! This changed everything for me. It didn’t happen overnight, but more quickly than I expected.
The Reign of Jeroboam His Legacy: Jeroboam established corrupt and sinful worship that Israel never overcame. God’s Disgust: 1 Kings 13:34 Israel’s Imitation: Baasha (1 Kings 15:34) • Jehoram (2 Kings 3:2-3) Zimri (1 Kings 16:19) • Jehu (2 Kings 10:31) Omri (1 Kings 16:26) • Jehoahaz (2 Kings 13:2,6) Ahab (1 Kings 16:31) • Jehoash (2 Kings 13:10-11) Ahaziah (1 Kings 22:51) Jehu actually did serve God very zealously at first. He was the leader appointed by God to destory the descendants of Ahab and execute the Baal worshippers. Despite this promising start – He was still wicked.
The Reign of Jeroboam A religion of convenience, devised in one’s own heart, is an abomination to God and is condemned by history as was the substitute faith of Jeroboam. He was branded forever as, “Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel sin” (2 Kin. 23:15). “It was a man-made religion that pleased the people, protected the king, and unified the nation – except the faithful Levites…” The Communicator’s Commentary. – Russell Dilday Warren Wiersbe
The Corruption of Worship Under King Jeroboam The Wrong Audience: Pleasing The People The Wrong Objects: Two Golden Idols The Wrong Appeal: Convienece vs. Devotion The Wrong Place: At Best, 10 Miles Off The Wrong Customs: High Places vs. Temple The Wrong People: Unauthorized Priests The Wrong Day: 8th Month Instead of 7th The Wrong Standard: From His Heart The Wrong Reaction: Refused To Repent 1 Kings 12:25-30 Then, 30-33 Dan & Bethel – Bethel was only ten miles away. Dan was at the far northern end – and both were WRONG. Wrong DAY: The Feast of Tabernacles (or Booths) – remembering the wandering in the wilderness and all God provides. Jeroboam made his feast in the 8th month. Warren Wiersbe commentary – “It was a man-made religion that pleased the people, protected the king, and unified the nation – except the faithful Levites” But it did not please God. ***Two Big Take Away’s. 1.) In our study – when it says the kings of the north purified the land – execpt they continued in the idols of Jeroboam – that is a REALLY big except. 2.) In ch. 13:33-34 – we see even after being warned and being shown what was wrong – He wouldn’t change. What about us!?
The Divided Kingdom Will you worship God –faithfully? Will you simply be part of HIS church – who HONORS God first and above all others.