Josiah: A Revival 2 Kings 22:1-2
The Odds Were Against Him His father, Amon, was wicked and was assassinated by his servants – 2 Kings 21:19-23 His grandfather, Manasseh, was the MOST wicked king that Judah ever had – 2 Kings 21: And Josiah was only eight years old!
At Sixteen Years Old He began to seek God – 2 Chron. 34:1-3a Still a boy, but old enough to make his own decisions Are you seeking the Lord? – Luke 11:9-10
At Twenty Years Old He began to make reforms – 2 Chron. 34:3b-7 Clearly he had sought and learned enough to understand that God does not accept idols It is likely that people protested – 1 Pet. 4:3-5 Have you torn down the idols in your life?
At Twenty-Six Years Old He made repairs to the Temple, and the Law was found – 2 Chron. 34:29-33 The Passover was kept by all the people – 2 Chron. 35:16-19 Josiah’s faith affected the whole kingdom! – 1 Tim. 4:11-16
Young or old, you can choose to follow the Lord. Great faith and service to God can come from unlikely places! If you have any questions or comments on this lesson, please send a message to: