Israel Earthquake (Num. 16:31), Snakes (Num. 21:6), Drought (1 Kings 17:1), Exile (2 Kings 24) The enemies of Israel Egypt, Moab, Philistines, Babylon The incessantly wicked Flood, Sodom, Nineveh
The Church Ananias (Acts 5:5), Ephesus (Rev. 2:5) The enemies of the Church False teachers (2 Peter 2:3), Alexander (2 Tim. 4:14) The wicked
Generation 1 – Adam - Expulsion from Eden Generation 11 – Ham - Flood Generation 15 – Peleg - Confusion at Babel Generation 21 – Lot – Sodom and Gomorrah Generation 28 – Nahshon – Egypt, Canaan
Birth defects, most diseases John 9:3, John 5:1-15 Building collapses, accidents Luke 13:4
Untimely death 1 Cor 11:30 Losing a war Deut 28:25, 26, 36 Flood Gen. 6:13 Famine 2 Sam. 21:1 Drought Deut 28:24 Pandemic Deut. 28:22, 27-29
DEUTERONOMY 28:1-14DEUT. 28:15-19, 22-25, 33
Genesis 19:1-29
GOD’S PEOPLE MARKED, SAVED SUFFERING WITH THE REST Noah and his family Passover Rekabites Ezekiel 9 Rapture 144,000 The first 6 plagues Ai Plague in Israel Fall of Rome
Don’t expect to be a fortress prepper Be prepared to leave Expect to lose everything, even possibly die.
Don’t give up on your nation/community/company unless you are moving away Be an agent of righteousness and blessing Be salt and light Be an evangelist Be a priest, confessing the sin of your people and praying