The Obama Years How does Barack Obama plan to change the nation?
2008 Election Senator Barack Obama defeats Senator Hilary Clinton in a very close primary election. Obama first Af-Am nominated for pres. Obama runs against Sen. John McCain in general election Obama’s campaign theme is hope & change, must undue the polices of the Bush Administration McCain also distances himself from Bush, but chooses conservative Alaska Gov Sarah Palin as running mate Obama easily wins election /hes_barack_o bama
3 Economic Crisis Obama & Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi get congress to pass $780 billion stimulus package to help failing economy Money extends unemployment benefits, cut taxes, tax breaks and gives money to local and state govts Stimulus creates some jobs but slowly, increases deficit Affordable Health Care Act (aka Obamacare) 2010: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passes 1.Requires all Americans to have health insurance 2.Insurance exchanges to provide coverage, Gov subsidies for those who can’t afford it 3.Cant be denied coverage for pre-existing condition
Republicans Retake House 2010: Supreme Court rules in Citizen’s United case that corporations can give unlimited $ to campaigns (Super PACs) Tea Party Movement begins, “right-wing” Republicans who want less taxes and less government gain momentum Republicans take back house in 2010 midterm elections, elect John Boehner as Speaker (many Tea Party candidates elected) Boehner and House Republicans will try to block many Obama programs and repeal Obamacare Many Americans also upset at slow recovery
Obama’s Foreign Policy Obama appoints Hilary Clinton as Secy of State Foreign policy goals include: 1.End Iraq War 2.Fix relationships with allies due to Iraq War 3.Get more focus and eventually end War in Afghanistan 4.Finalize two state solution for Israel & Palestine 5.Find Bin Laden/destroy Al-Queda : Obama announces all US combat troops will leave Iraq at end of year Iraq still struggling with violence and bringing true democracy to country Obama pressuring Israel to sit down with Palestinians Palestinians upset Israel building on their land, Obama asks Israel to stop Struggles in Middle East
Bin Laden & Afghanistan Intelligence reports Osama bin Laden may be living in a compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan Obama orders Navy Seals to infiltrate house and kill Bin Laden 6 May 2, 2011: Navy Seals find & kill Bin Laden, Obama and cabinet watch event live With Bin Laden dead, Obama announces he wants to wrap up war in Afghanistan by 2014 Afghanistan But Taliban is becoming resurgent and country is very unstable