Chapter 1 - Section #2 Mesopotamian Civilization
Mesopotamian Civilization p17-20
#1 What do you call a complex society that has an organized government, art, religion, class divisions and a writing system? A civilization
Why did most early civilizations start in river valleys? #2 Why did most early civilizations start in river valleys? There was rich soil near the rivers
Name 3 ways that rivers helped the people who lived near them. #3 Name 3 ways that rivers helped the people who lived near them. Provided them with fish and fresh water - Helpful for trade - There was rich soil near the rivers Rivers were used for travel
What was the main purpose of governments in Mesopotamia? #4 What was the main purpose of governments in Mesopotamia? The government: made laws to keep order formed armies for defense - made decisions for the people
#5 What is it called when people have different places in society based on their wealth/power? A class system
What is the name of the earliest-known civilization? #6 What is the name of the earliest-known civilization? Mesopotamia
What 2 rivers bordered Mesopotamia? #7 What 2 rivers bordered Mesopotamia? The Tigris and Euphrates
What is the English translation of “Mesopotamia?” #8 What is the English translation of “Mesopotamia?” Land between two rivers
How did farmers learn to control the seasonal floods in Mesopotamia? #9 How did farmers learn to control the seasonal floods in Mesopotamia? They developed an irrigation system
What was the climate like in Mesopotamia? #10 What was the climate like in Mesopotamia? It was hot and dry.
#11 How did the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers help create rich farmland. The river flooded over the land and when the water receded it left behind rich soil.
#12 What is a city-state? A Sumerian city and the land around it
Why did Sumerians build ziggurats? #13 Why did Sumerians build ziggurats? To honor the chief god of the city-state
What power did the Sumerians believe that the gods had? #14 What power did the Sumerians believe that the gods had? Sumerians believed that the gods controlled natural forces and human activities
Why did city-states fight against each other? #15 Why did city-states fight against each other? They fought to control more territory
What materials did the Sumerians use to build their houses? #16 What materials did the Sumerians use to build their houses? Mud bricks made out with mud and crushed reeds from the rivers
#17 What do you call skilled workers who made metal products, cloth or pottery? artisans
#18 What types of items did Sumerians trade with other people from other cities? Tools, wheat and barley
What were the 3 classes in Sumer? #19 What were the 3 classes in Sumer? The upper class, the middle class and the lower class
What group(s) of people made up the upper class? #20 What group(s) of people made up the upper class? Kings, priests and government officials
What group(s) made up the middle class in Sumer? #21 What group(s) made up the middle class in Sumer? Artisans, merchants, farmers and fishermen
What group(s) of people made up the lower class in Sumer? #22 What group(s) of people made up the lower class in Sumer? Enslaved people who worked on farms or in temples
True or False? In Sumer women were in charge of the households. #23 True or False? In Sumer women were in charge of the households. False – men were in charge of households
True or False? Sumerian women had certain rights. #24 True or False? Sumerian women had certain rights. True
True or False? Only Sumerian males were allowed to go to school. #25 True or False? Only Sumerian males were allowed to go to school. True
True or False? Sumerian women were allowed to buy and sell property. #26 True or False? Sumerian women were allowed to buy and sell property. True
A Skilled People p20-21
Why is Mesopotamia often referred to as the “Cradle of Civilization?” #1 Why is Mesopotamia often referred to as the “Cradle of Civilization?” Their ideas and inventions were copied and improved upon by other peoples.
#2 Historians refer to this Sumerian invention as the greatest invention of the time. writing
What is the Sumerian system of writing called? #3 What is the Sumerian system of writing called? cuneiform
#4 What term was used to describe the Sumerians who learned to write and became record keepers? scribes
Name 3 Sumerian legacies. #5 Name 3 Sumerian legacies. literature - irrigation systems - wagon wheel - plow a number system based on 60 sailboat geometry plow - a 12 month calendar
What types of people became scribes? #6 What types of people became scribes? Boys from wealthy families
Which class in Sumer contained the most people? #7 Which class in Sumer contained the most people? The middle class
Sargon and Hammurabi p22-23
Why did Sumer city-states become vulnerable to attacks from outsiders? #1 Why did Sumer city-states become vulnerable to attacks from outsiders? The city-states were weakened from fighting with each other.
What do you call a group of many different lands under one ruler? #2 What do you call a group of many different lands under one ruler? Empire
Who was the Akkadian king who conquered all of Mesopotamia? #3 Who was the Akkadian king who conquered all of Mesopotamia? Sargon
#4 What was the name of the Babylonian king who created the Babylonian Empire? Hammurabi
What was “Hammurabi’s Code?” #5 What was “Hammurabi’s Code?” A collection of Sumerian laws.
Why was Hammurabi’s Code an important legacy of the Babylonian Empire? #6 Why was Hammurabi’s Code an important legacy of the Babylonian Empire? It was the first set of laws that were written down so they forced everyone in Babylon to follow the same laws.