Ch. 23 The 2000s
2000 Election Al Gore (D) vs. George W. Bush (R)- very close Gore won the popular vote but Bush won the electoral vote Florida ballots were very controversial because of the hanging Chad's Supreme Court stepped in and ruled Bush the winner
George W. Bush (R)
Hillary Clinton- 1 st First Lady elected to Senate (D)NY People called for election reform b/c of the 2000 election Sept. 11 th attacks have changed our country forever Dept. of Homeland Security was created after 9/11 and goal is to stop terrorism
U.S. Goes To War Soon after the 9/11 attacks the U.S. attacks al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan War in Afghanistan is the longest military conflict in U.S. history War in Iraq U.S. invades Iraq b/c they supposedly had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) U.S. never found any weapons
Changes After 9/11 Security on airlines gets tighter USA Patriot Act- federal law that gives the govt. the right to spy on anyone Many people felt the Patriot Act violated our 1 st Amendment Rights
U.S. quickly defeats the Iraqi Army but spends years trying to stop the guerrilla violence Saddam Hussein was captured, tried and then executed. War led to lots of protest in the U.S. and hurt Bush’s presidency Iraq War is viewed as another Vietnam
2004 Election Pres. George W. Bush (R) vs. Sen. John Kerry (D) Very close election that went back and forth More money was spent on the 2004 election than any prior election The term “Swing States” refers to states that decided the election becomes popular.
People have become more critical of the Electoral College Bush cuts taxes to stimulate the economy Hurricane Katrina- devastated the city of New Orleans and the govt. was criticized for such a slow response Democrats won the House and Senate Nancy Pelosi becomes the first female Speaker of the House
2008 Presidential Election Barack Obama defeats John McCain for the presidency and becomes the first African American president Sarah Palin was the 2 nd female in history to run for VP Billions of dollars was spent on the campaign
Barack Obama (D) 2009-
Economic Collapse Sub prime mortgages helps lead to the greatest economic collapse since the Depression Stock market loses almost half its value and dips into the 6,000s Unemployment reaches 10% Trillions of dollars of wealth and retirement are lost
Govt. offers huge bailouts to banks and automakers to prevent another depression People criticized the govt. and Wall Street Deflation- prices for goods drop significantly and people are able to buy more for their dollar. Tea Party- 3 rd political party rises in 2010 and calls for a reduction in taxes Republicans gain control of the House of Representatives in 2010
Current Issues Many states are suffering economically U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down but concerns remain U.S. oil prices are hurting the economy Social media is have a significant impact on our society. Obama has been heavily criticized for the economy