Exercise Physiology: Academic Resources Frederic Murray Assistant Professor MLIS, University of British Columbia BA, Political Science, University of Iowa Instructional Services Librarian Al Harris Library
Assignment Students are to find a peer-reviewed article about the Endocrine System how individual hormones affect exercise and exercise performance.
Peer Reviewed
Hormones Growth hormone Antidiuretic hormone Thyroid hormone Calcitonin Parathyroid hormone Cortisol Aldosterone epinephrine/norepinephrine Insulin Glucagon Testosterone Estrogen
Assignment Students are to find a peer-reviewed article about the Endocrine System how individual hormones affect exercise and exercise performance.
Keywords Endocrine System Exercise or Activity or Competition Athletic Performance or Sports Performance Physical Endurance or Physical Fitness Hormone: Cortisol
Medical Subject Headings MeSH is the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus Using MeSH terms will improve your search results MeSH Browser
Boolean AND = Narrow OR = Expand NOT = Exclude
Boolean Cortisol and Exercise and Performance Endocrine system and Cortisol Cortisol and Sports Performance and Endocrine
Mesh Browser Search: Cortisol Cortisol: Hydrocortisone or Epicortisol in the entry terms Search: Hydrocortisone and exercise in (full text) Medline: Stokes, K., Gilbert, K., Hall, G., Andrews, R., & Thompson, D. (2013). Different responses of selected hormones to three types of exercise in young men. European Journal Of Applied Physiology, 113(3), doi: /s
Databases (A-Z List) MEDLINE with Full Text (EBSCOhost)MEDLINE with Full Text MEDLINE PubMed (from NLM)MEDLINE PubMed Ovid Core Biomedical and ADIS Journals ( they factor MeSH terms)Ovid Stedman's Online Medical Dictionary AccessMedicine
Specialized Search Wolfram/Alpha –A computational knowledge engine: it generates output by doing computations from its own internal knowledge base, instead of searching the web and returning links. Scrius –For scientific information only. A web based comprehensive scientific research tool. Ipl2 –Internet Public Library (IPL) and the Librarians' Internet Index (LII). A directory.
Questions? Contact me: Frederic Murray