Test-First Java Concurrency for the Classroom SIGCSE 2010 Mathias Ricken and Robert Cartwright Rice University March 12, 2009
2 Two Trends Test-driven developmentConcurrent programming Brian Goetz, Java Concurrency in Practice, Addison-Wesley, 2006
3 Unit Testing Benefits Occurs early Automates testing Keeps the shared repository clean Prevents bugs from reoccurring Allows safe refactoring Serves as documentation
4 Unit Testing in Assignments Hand out test cases to students –Improves confidence and understanding Instill good practices –Require students to extend test suites Automated grading –Part graded automatically, part by hand
5 Moore’s Law Requires Concurrency Adopted from Sutter 2009
6 Concurrency Is Difficult Unit testing not effective in multi-threaded programs
7 Existing Unit Testing Frameworks JUnit, TestNG Don’t detect test failures in threads other than main thread –Failures in event thread not detected either Don’t ensure that other threads terminate Tests that should fail may succeed
8 Sample JUnit Tests public class SimpleTest extends TestCase { public void testException() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } public void testAssertion() { assertEquals(0, 1); } } if (0!=1) throw new AssertionFailedError(); } Both tests fail.
9 JUnit Test with Child Thread public class SimpleTest extends TestCase { public void testException() { new Thread() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }.start(); } new Thread() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }.start(); throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); Main thread Child thread Main thread Child thread spawns uncaught! end of test success! Uncaught exception, test should fail but does not!
10 ConcJUnit Backward compatible replacement for JUnit Detects exceptions in all threads –Exception handler for all child threads and the event thread Ensures that child threads have terminated and event thread is done –Enumerate live threads after test –Inspect event queue Requires all child threads to be joined –Analyze join graph
11 Thread Creation Coordinates In Thread.start() record stack trace of Thread.currentThread() –Easy to find where a thread that caused a failure was started –Also shows where threads that outlived the test were started
12 Creation Coordinates Example class Main { void foo() { // which one? new Helper(true).start(); new Helper(false).start(); //... } AssertionError: at Helper.m(Helper.java:2) at Helper.run(Helper.java:3) Started at: at Main.foo(Main.java:4) at Main.bar(Main.java:15) at Main.main(Main.java:25) class Helper extends Thread { void m() { if (b) Assert.fail(); } public void run() { m(); } private boolean b; // … }
13 ConcJUnit Demo
14 Concurrency Examples In-class discussion –Multi-threaded counter: data races –Multi-threaded bank: deadlock Homework –Bounded buffer –Readers-writer lock –Test suite handed out to help students Multi-threaded Breakout
15 Example: Counter Class that can increment an integer variable N times Write test first public class CounterTest extends TestCase { final long PER_THREAD = ; public void testSingle() { Counter c = new Counter(); c.incrementNTimes(PER_THREAD); assertEquals(PER_THREAD, c.getCount()); }
16 Counter: Implementation Write implementation public class Counter { private long count = 0; public long getCount() { return count; } public void incrementNTimes(long n) { for(long i=0; i<n; ++i) { ++count; } } Test passes!
17 Counter: Multi-threaded Test Write multi-threaded test public void testMulti() { final Counter c = new Counter(); for(int i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; ++i) { new Thread() { public void run() { c.incrementNTimes(PER_THREAD); } }.start(); } TestUtils.waitForOtherThreads(); assertEquals(NUM_THREADS*PER_THREAD,c.getCount()); } Test fails (most likely)!
18 Shared Data Why does the multi-threaded counter tes t fail? –The count field is shared among threads –The ++count operation is not atomic –Thread may be interrupted after reading count, but before writing back to count count=0 regA=? regB=? A1 regA = count; 00? B1 regB = count; 000 A2 regA = regA + 1;010 A3 count = regA;110 B2 regB = regB + 1;111 B3 count = regB;111
19 Data Races Definition –Two threads access the same data –At least one access is a write –Nothing prevents the order from changing Would like code to execute atomically (without interruption) –Java does not support atomicity (for general code)
20 Java Locks & Synchronized Java provides “lock objects” and synchronized blocks synchronized(lock) { ++count; } –Thread must compete for ownership of lock object before entering synchronized block –Synchronized block is not atomic –But once a thread has a lock object, no other thread can execute code protected by the same lock object
21 Counter: Re-Write Rewrite implementation //... private Object lock = new Object(); public void incrementNTimes(long n) { for(long i=0; i<n; ++i) { synchronized(lock) { ++count; } } Test passes!
22 Concurrency Still Difficult Even race-free, deadlock-free programs are not deterministic –Thread scheduling is essentially non- deterministic Different schedules may compute different results –May or may not be acceptable, depending on the task
23 Multi-threaded Breakout Uses ACM Java Task Force material –Based on “Breakout - Nifty Assignment” by Eric Roberts, SIGCSE 2006 Multiple balls, each in its own thread –Atomicity assumption when removing bricks –Ends game before all bricks are removed Other problems –X,Y coordinate changes not atomic –X,Y coordinates not volatile or synchronized, event thread may never see the updates Correctly synchronized version still not deterministic
24 Future Work Testing all schedules is intractable Insert random delays/yields before synchronization operations –Must consider volatile variable accesses to comply with Java Memory Model –Re-run program several times –Can detect a number of sample problems Record schedule, replay if test fails –Makes failures reproducible if found *3
25 Conclusion Unit testing has important benefits in industry and in the classroom Concurrent programming is becoming more important, and it’s difficult ConcJUnit helps…
27 Notes 1.Also cannot detect uncaught exceptions in a program’s uncaught exception handler (JLS limitation) ←← 2.Only add edge if joined thread is really dead; do not add if join ended spuriously. ←← 3.Have not studied probabilities or durations for sleeps/yields: One inserted delay may negatively impact a second inserted delay Example: If both notify() and wait() are delayed. ←←
28 public class Test extends TestCase { public void testException() { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }); t.start(); while(t.isAlive()) { try { t.join(); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { } } Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }); t.start(); while(t.isAlive()) { try { t.join(); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { } } throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); Loop since join() may end spuriously 4. ←← Spurious Wakeup
Image Attribution
30 Image Attribution 1.Left image on Two Trends: Test Driven Development, Damian Cugley.Two TrendsTest Driven Development 2.Right image on Two Trends: adapted from Brian Goetz et al. 2006, Addison Wesley.Two TrendsBrian Goetz et al. 2006, Addison Wesley 3.Graph on Moore’s Law: Adapted from Herb Sutter 2009Moore’s LawHerb Sutter Image on Concurrency Is Difficult: Caption FridaysConcurrency Is Difficult Caption Fridays
Extra Slides
32 Changes to JUnit (1 of 3) Thread group with exception handler –JUnit test runs in a separate thread, not main thread –Child threads are created in same thread group –When test ends, check if handler was invoked Reasoning: Uncaught exceptions in all threads must cause failure
33 JUnit Test with Child Thread public class Test extends TestCase { public void testException() { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }).start(); } new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }).start(); throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); invokes checks TestGroup’s Uncaught Exception Handler
34 JUnit Test with Child Thread public class Test extends TestCase { public void testException() { new Thread() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }.start(); } new Thread() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }.start(); throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); Test thread Child thread uncaught! end of test Main thread spawns and joinsresumes check exception handler invokes exception handler failure!
35 Child Thread Outlives Parent public class Test extends TestCase { public void testException() { new Thread() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }.start(); } new Thread() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }.start(); throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); Test thread Child thread uncaught! end of test success! invokes exception handler Main thread check exception handler Too late!
36 Changes to JUnit (2 of 3) Check for living child threads after test ends Reasoning: Uncaught exceptions in all threads must cause failure If the test is declared a success before all child threads have ended, failures may go unnoticed Therefore, all child threads must terminate before test ends
37 Check for Living Child Threads public class Test extends TestCase { public void testException() { new Thread() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }.start(); } new Thread() { public void run() { throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); } }.start(); throw new RuntimeException("booh!"); Test thread Child thread uncaught! end of test failure! invokes group’s handler Main thread check for living child threads check group’s handler
38 Correctly Written Test public class Test extends TestCase { public void testException() { Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { /* child thread */ } }; t.start(); t.join(); } Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { /* child thread */ } }; t.start(); t.join(); // wait until child thread has ended /* child thread */ Test thread Child thread end of test success! Main thread check for living child threads check group’s handler *4
39 Changes to JUnit (3 of 3) Check if any child threads were not joined Reasoning: All child threads must terminate before test ends Without join() operation, a test may get “lucky” Require all child threads to be joined
40 Fork/Join Model Parent thread joins with each of its child threads May be too limited for a general-purpose programming language Child thread 1 Child thread 2 Main thread
41 Example of Other Join Models Chain of child threads guaranteed to outlive parent Main thread joins with last thread of chain Child thread 1 Child thread 2 Main thread Child thread 3
42 Modifying the Java Runtime Changing Thread.start() and join() –Need to modify Java Runtime Library –Utility to process user’s rt.jar file –Put new jar file on boot classpath: -Xbootclasspath/p:newrt.jar Still works without modified Thread class –Just does not emit “lucky” warnings
43 Join with All Offspring Threads Main thread joins with all offspring threads, regardless of what thread spawned them Child thread 1 Child thread 2 Main thread
44 Generalize to Join Graph Threads as nodes; edges to joined thread Test is well-formed as long as all threads are reachable from main thread Child thread 1 Child thread 2 Main thread Child thread 3 MT CT1 CT2 CT3
45 Child thread 1 Child thread 2 Main thread MT CT1 CT2 Child thread 1 Child thread 2 Main thread MT CT1 CT2 Join Graph Examples
46 Child thread 1 Child thread 2 Main thread MT CT1 CT2 Unreachable Nodes An unreachable node has not been joined –Child thread may outlive the test
47 child Thread main Thread MT CT Constructing the Graph // in mainThread childThread.start(); Add node for childThread
48 // in mainThread childThread.join(); When leaving join(), add edge from mainThread to childThread child Thread main Thread MT CT Constructing the Graph *2
49 Example: Multi-threaded Bank Program simulating checking accounts Account balances are shared data –To avoid data races, use synchronized –Need access to two accounts for transfers synchronized(locks[from]) { synchronized(locks[to]) { accounts[from] -= amount; accounts[to] += amount; } Test hangs!
50 Deadlock Thread A transfers from account 0 to 1 Thread B transfers from account 1 to 0 Thread A gets interrupted after acquiring locks[0] // thread A // thread B synchronized(locks[0]) { synchronized(locks[1]) { synchronized(locks[0]) // can’t continue, locks[0] // is owned by thread A */ synchronized(locks[1]) // can’t continue, locks[1] // is owned by thread B */
51 Lock Acquisition Order No deadlock if both threads had attempted to acquire lock 0 first When acquiring more than one lock object, always acquire them in the same order –e.g. acquire lower account’s lock object first synchronized(locks[Math.min(from,to)]) { synchronized(locks[Math.max(from,to)]) { accounts[from] -= amount; accounts[to] += amount; }
52 Homework Assignment Common structures students will see time and again –Bounded buffer –Readers-writer lock Grade correctness and efficiency, e.g. –Maximize concurrency –Only wake up as few threads as possible Provide students with test suites
53 Many Thanks To… My advisor –Corky Cartwright My committee members –Walid Taha –David Scott –Bill Scherer NSF and Texas ATP –For providing partial funding