1 The Gospel According to Paul First Thessalonians Lesson 2 “Paul had left Thessalonica…” Page 4
2 Paul’s Greeting This was Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians –And probably the first letter he wrote to any church Silas and Timothy joined Paul in the opening greeting –They were well known there “To the church” -- established when Paul visited the city a few months earlier The members were following God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ 1Th 1:1 Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
3 Paul’s Greeting “Grace to you and peace” from God and Jesus –Paul was an authorized apostle to speak on behalf of God –Grace: God’s unmerited favors –Peace: The Christian is at peace [reconciled] with God through the Lord Jesus Christ God provides these blessings to all of His followers through Jesus Christ, His Son 1Th 1:1 Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
4 Paul’s Thanksgiving Paul was a praying man –He prayed and remembered them “without ceasing” (1:3) He often incorporated his gratitude in his letters for the good things about the brethren He gave thanks to God for their spirituality and for their accomplishments 1Th 1:2 We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers,
5 Paul Remembered… “Work of Faith” – –This is the beginning of spirituality –They had sounded forth God’s word (1:8) –They had become imitators of the Judean churches (2:14) –They were exhibiting brotherly love toward other saints (4:9) 1Th 1:3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father,
6 Paul Remembered… “Labor of Love” – –Labor is more strenuous than work –Their activities were “of love” –Love comes out of faith –We love because Christ first loved us 1Th 1:3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father,
7 Paul Remembered… “Patience of Hope” – –They had earnestly believed that a precious reward awaited the faithful –Tribulations and persecutions did not make them impatient for better circumstances nor deter them from “keeping on keeping on” “In our Lord Jesus” –They were being faithful to His word and to God –They knew that every work of faith and labor of love was being noticed by God 1Th 1:3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father,
8 “Your Election By God” This “election” was not that God had chosen individuals before the world began to be lost or saved This “election” did not suppose that nothing can alter that election and man’s eternal destiny These are faulty conclusions based on God’s words 1Th 1:4 knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God.
9 “Your Election By God” This “election” was determined by class rather than by individual persons 1Th 1:4 knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God.
10 “Their Reception of the Gospel” The word of the gospel had not only been heard, but it came to them –In power –In the Holy Spirit –In much assurance These truths identified these preachers as men of God Paul had demonstrated these truths to them and they had witnessed them 1Th 1:5 For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake.
11 “They Acted On What They Heard” They became followers of these preachers and of the Lord They received the word –In much affliction –With joy of the Holy Spirit 1Th 1:6 And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit,
12 “You Became Examples” Other disciples throughout Achaia and Macedonia heard about: –The faithful endurance of the Thessalonians and –Were inspired to follow their example when similar problems overtook them. We never know just how far our influence for good [or bad] may go to affect the lives of others. 1Th 1:7 so that you became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe.
13 They “Sounded Forth” the Gospel They proclaimed the gospel first among their own near neighbors, than moved out to others not so close by –They took the message to many places and far away Probably, travelers into and out of the city became followers of Jesus, and/or The church made a deliberate effort to spread the gospel by sending some of its member to “every place” 1Th 1:8 For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place. Your faith toward God has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything.
14 Their Faith Had Gone Out Their “faith toward God” involved: –What they believed about the precepts of the gospel, –What they had done in obeying the commands of the gospel, and –How they had changed the basic practices of their lives because of the gospel The great changes wrought in the Thessalonians were widely known 1Th 1:8 For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place. Your faith toward God has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything.
15 The Thessalonians Had Changed There were three life-changing actions: 1.They turned from idols to the living and true God 2.They turned from idols to serve the living and true God 3.They began to wait for the Son of the living and true God to come from heaven 1Th 1:9 For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, 1Th 1:10 and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.
16 They Waited For His Son from Heaven There were four significant truths about a living Jesus. They now believed: 1.Jesus is the Son of the living and true God; 2.He is in heaven and that He will come again; 3.The Son of God had died on the cross but had been raised from the dead by the living and true God; 4.They now believed that the living and true God would bring wrath upon lost men and that faith in His Son offered their only escape from wrath. 1Th 1:10 and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.
17 Questions – Chapter One 1._________, _______, and _______ are included in the greeting to the _________ of the ________. 2.What three commendable things did Paul remember about the Thessalonians? a.Their _______________ of ________________; b.Their _______________ of ________________; c.Their _______________ of ________________.
18 Questions – Chapter One 3.What did Paul know about their relationship to God? What did that mean? 4.In what four ways did the gospel come to the Thessalonians? a.In _________________________; b.In __________________________; c.In ______ ____________ _____________; d.In __________ ________________.
19 Questions – Chapter One 5.They then became followers of ______________ and of _______ _____________. How was that possible? 6.They received the ____________ in much __________________ and with ___________ of the ____________ _____________. 7.They became __________________ to all in ____________________ and ______________ and to all who ______________________.
20 Questions – Chapter One 8.They had __________________ forth the _____________ of the ____________ in ______________, _______________, and in _______________ _____________. 9.What had the Thessalonians done after hearing the gospel? a._____________; b._____________; c._____________.
21 Questions – Chapter One 10.What had the Thessalonians accepted about the nature and work of Jesus? a. _____________; b. _____________; c. _____________; d. _____________; e. _____________.