©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Chapter 14 Paul: Apostle to the Nations
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Key Topics/Themes Paul second only to Jesus as contributor to early Christianity Paul motivated by experience of a revelation of Jesus Christ Creator and disseminator of influential view of Jesus’ cosmic significance
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Key Topics (cont’d.) His thesis: Jesus’ saving power replaces Torah obedience as means of being reconciled to God
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Introduction Paul’s letters as Christianity’s first attempt to interpret Christ Theology of redemption became central for Christian doctrine Some scholars: early Christianity influenced more by Paul than by Jesus Almost one-third of New Testament
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Seeking the Historical Paul Most reliable source: Paul’s letters A former Pharisee who was redirected toward Christianity
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education The Historical Reliability of Acts Difficulties in reconciling Acts and Paul’s letters Where differences, prefer Paul over Acts Biographical details in Acts but absent in Paul Details in Acts that seem to contradict Paul
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Paul’s Experience of the Risen Jesus The dividing point of Paul’s life A revelation (apokalypsis) of Jesus Christ Paul’s headstrong personality Difficulties Paul experienced in working with other believers
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Dating Paul’s Career Chronological information in Galatians Other important chronological data –King Aretas –Gallio –Claudius’s expulsion of Jews from Rome
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Paul’s Letters
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education The Genuine Letters Majority of scholars: seven genuine letters Many doubt authenticity of 2 Thessalonians, Colossians Majority doubt authenticity of Ephesians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education The Order of Composition 1 Thessalonians came first Includes four letters from prison –Colossians –Philemon –Philippians –Ephesians Place of Paul’s imprisonment uncertain
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Paul’s Use of the Letter Form Letters as substitutes for his presence Impressive pieces of literary rhetoric Imitated by writers of later New Testament “letters”
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Hellenistic Letters Paul’s use of typical Hellenistic letter- writing style –Address –Greeting –Wish for good fortune/prayer –Body of letter –Closing greetings Paul’s modifications to this style
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Paul’s Letter Writing Often dictated letters according to custom of the day Usually wrote to address Church crises Paul’s concern always pastoral
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Paul’s Major Assumptions and Concerns Mysticism and eschatology The centrality and preeminence of Jesus Christ and humanity The faithful as Christ’s body Christ as liberator from sin, Torah, and death
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Concerns (cont’d.) Christ’s universal sufficiency Justification by faith
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education Summary Letters to be considered in probable order of composition Need to be aware of Paul’s eschatological orientation