Question How is France’s culture so unique?
Fashion The men and women are very fashionable. Men and women wear very nice cashmere scarves. Almost everything is tailored because most of them are thin. They wear tall boots and never wear jeans (Most women wear skirts.) They have different types of clothing such as berets, plaid pants, black and white, e.c.t. They usually are the ones to set fashion trends. They wear mostly neutral colors. Shoes are noticed more than clothing. Ballet flats or low-heels are worn for daytime and flats and boots are normal setting.
Food In Everyday Life They eat lots of meats mostly with sauce, cheeses, fresh salads, and bread. Eating is the most important aspect of French culture. It is not uncommon for French people to sit and talk as they eat, often over an hour. They usually eat a later lunch than we do. Almost all French restaurants serve lunch only between 12:00-2:00. A common drink in France is wine but for lunch they usually drink water, orange juice, and other soft drinks, and sometimes wine. Also a common drink in France is coffee.
Diet Most people eat a light breakfast of coffee and bread or croissants. Filled croissants and sandwiches can be bought in shops and cafes. The French population tends to resist foreign fast food because of health concerns about genetically modified foods.
Greetings/Gestures In France greeting someone other than a friend they do a simple handshake. A handshake in France is usually quick with a light grip. Women are customarily kissed on both cheeks by male and female friends. Greetings are usually combined with a person’s name or title. In France to make an okay sign they touch their index finger to their thumb.
First Holiday Gypsy Festival The festival celebrates their patron saints return to the Mediterranean Sea. The procession of St. Sara, the patron saint of Gypsies, takes place every May 24, in a beach town in southern France’s region. Between chants, followers sing sacred songs as they make their way through narrow streets to the sea. Visitors are given song sheets with words so they can join in. They usually don’t eat any foods during the festival and there are no special specific foods made for it.
Second Holiday Sailor’s Day Boats are decorated with paper flowers and blessed by priest. Sailor’s Day is always sometime in spring, sometimes it is longer than a day. Holiday is used to honor sailors and thank them for the food they supply them with.
Third Holiday Epiphany In western Christian tradition, January 6 is celebrated as Epiphany. It goes by other names in various church traditions. In Hispanic and Latin culture, as well as some places in Europe, it is known as Three Kings’ Day. This is an occasion for feasting in some cultures, including the baking of a special King's Cake as part of the festivities of Epiphany (a King's Cake is part of the observance of Mardi Gras in French Catholic culture of the Southern USA).
Three Main Events in History 1.The monarchy was restored but was followed by the Second Republic ( ) and then Second Empire ( ) under Napoleon the third. Defeat by Germany led the Third Republic 1871.France was a battleground during both world wars.. It was occupied by German between 1940 and 1944 and was the site of the D-Day invasion that turned the tide of World War two in favor of Allies. 2. France was part of the first wave of EU countries to join Europe’s common currency, the euro. However. The French people voted against EU constitution in 2005, despite support from the governing and major opposition parties. Nicolas Sarkozy, elected in May 2007, has called for a simplified treaty to be ratified by France in place of EU constitution. 3. The Black Death ravages Europe for the first of many times. An estimated one third of the population is thought to have perished within the first year. The French were defeated at the Battle of Poitiers in 1356.
Citations Bratcher, Dennis. The Epiphany. Dennis Bratcher. Web, February, 28 “France Timeline”. Web, 2011 September February, 29 “Celebrating French National Holidays”. Web, 2011 December, February, 29 “What To Wear In France”. Escapes Media, Web February, 29.
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