Easter is celebrated with fervor in Catholic Croatia especially in Dalmatia. In some ways it is considered more religious and more serious than Christmas. Catholic Croatia Dalmatia.
- Mothering Sunday is the forth day of Lent. - The term mothering refers to three things: a) The Bible refers to heaven as Mother; b) The practice in the middle ages of congregations visiting “their Mother Church”, e.g. the Cathedral; c) The tradition of visiting Mothers with presents on this day.
- The week before Easter is called Holy Week and begins with Palm Sunday. - On Palm Sunday Christians remember when Jesus’ rode into Jerusalem and how people waved Palm leaves and greeted him as the Messiah.
- Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a Donkey in order to fulfill the prophecy about the Jewish Messiah. - By riding on a Donkey Jesus’ was making a public statement about his future ministry and work. - Jesus’ rode humbly into Jerusalem as a man of peace and not war.
- The Easter Weekend begins with Good Friday - the most solemn day of the Christian Calendar. - Christians remember the crucifixion of Jesus - People often eat Hot Cross Buns and Fish on Good Friday.
- The tomb of Jesus was left empty and Christians remember this by sharing Easter Eggs. These are a symbol of new life and also the shape of a tomb stone. - People enjoy decorating eggs. In Greece people use these eggs in order to issue a special Easter greeting. Two people carrying an egg, knock eggs together “Christ has risen”.